107gn Seirra's

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107gn Seirra's

Jason Rushton
Hi all,

I've just purchased 2000 Sierra 107gn MK's, factory tipped, for my 6BR ( not the plastic tips). I thought id give them a go seeing as Berger's are scarce.

Have any of you guys used them in the past or currently using them?  How did they go??


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Re: 107gn Seirra's

Stuart Pethy
wow mate , what they cost you per 100
hope they don't work better haha
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Re: 107gn Seirra's

Michael Bell
In reply to this post by Jason Rushton
G'day Jason,
Nothing wrong with the Sierra's at all….some shooters prefer them to Bergers because they reckon they group more consistently & are easier to tune….probably not a bad idea to sort by weight or bearing surface (or both) as it's been said that even same batch Sierra's could be made with different dies! I don't know how true that is though.

Michael Bell
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Re: 107gn Seirra's

chappo (Greg Chapman)
In reply to this post by Jason Rushton
My last 1000 box of 107 SMK Varied up to 0.014 thou ogive to base. I sort by the 0.002 and just adjust the seater die to keep me 0.005 in the lands.
"Only accurate rifles are interesting". Col Townsend Whelen
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Re: 107gn Seirra's

Les Fraser
In reply to this post by Jason Rushton
Hi Jason i have used the sierra Match 107 grn for since about 2007 in my 6x47L having set Australian records and won many LG classes with it and SOTY titles. They are good bullets and you can drive them harder than the berger's but you do have to weight batch them and i have have also been Junke mine as well. I don't base to ogive as i have not seen results on the target that warrants this extra process. Sierra seems to fall into three batches of weights and as mass  produced bullets they are probably assembly line machines and as such very small variations can occur from machine to machine.

I also found they worked well about 5" off the lands i do know some guys jam 10" but i have never found this to be consistent.

In respect of the 6BR about 30.0 grns of 2208 is about the mark for great results.
shooting well is more a mental control of your thoughts than just pulling the trigger........
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Re: 107gn Seirra's

Jason Rushton
OK thanks for your input fellas.

I have weight sorted and measured base to ogive of 500 Sierras, I found en ES of 5 thou with 62 of them being 2thou longer or shorter than the middle bunch. Thought that was fairly consistent, would it be worth separating those 62 from the main batch? ?

Weight sorting had an ES of 2 tenth of a grain, 350 weighed 107gr, 83 weighed 106.9gn and only 5 weighed 107.1gn.
Would it be worth seperating the 106.9 from 107gn??

I used a 'Bob Green' comparator tool to measure base to ogive and RCBS Charge-master to weigh.

Just need to load and shoot now.. see how they go.

Cheers Jason