6BR + 2206H (H4895)

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Re: 6BR + 2206H (H4895)

Deane Thrower

No worries mate, hope you have success with them. I was in fact using 108g Bergers at Canberra but my supply is now exhausted. I purchased 1000 copperheads and a very kind Barry Tucker delivered them to me at the Procal so I am in the same boat as you and preparing to develop a load for them shortly.

Hope to see both you and your daughter at Fly Shoot soon. Enjoy and best of luck 👍


Just doing my part to reduce the fly population!!!!
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Re: 6BR + 2206H (H4895)

Peter Cross
Well! I have given up on 2206H for the time being. I can see why most use 2208, seems its pretty easy to find a half  decent load around 30 grains. for most of the projectiles I have tried. I have had some luck around 26 grains with the 2206H, however, when I try to push them I haven't had much luck.


Haven't had a great deal of time to play with the copperheads (been to windy to waste them) though I did throw together 2 loads one 30 grains the other 30.3 sat them .005 back . The 30.0 grains showed a lot of promise, 30.3 opened up a fair bit though, but its still early days.