About delegates..

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About delegates..

Michael Bell
  I was under the impression that Les Fraser was our ( Fly shooters) NSW State delegate….Les certainly thought so. So too did Victorian Delegates Nick Aagren & Pete Van Meurs.

 Les believes he was voted into the position as per standard procedure..now after this blow up Les was apparently told by the delegate chairman Dave Billinghurst that he isn't in fact our delegate but rather an advisor on matters re Fly Shooting to some other bloke I've never seen or heard of!!

 Well…what the hell does this mean?  Is Les our delegate or isn't he?  If he was voted in as per standard procedure then surely he is still is our representative in NSW. If he was never voted in then why did he & the Victorian Delegates think he was? If he was voted in then surely it would be unconstitutional for the chairman to remove him from this position just on his say so!

 If Les isn't our delegate then who is & how do we contact him??

Does anyone know?


Michael Bell
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Re: About delegates..

Stuart Elliott
I agree. But I urge people to read my other post on your thread which I try to explain the SSAA structure. Basically it is incumbent on all NSW "fly" shooters to make their representations (direct or email etc) to their State body about this election.

Stuart Elliott

Every shot pleases somebody..........
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Re: About delegates..

Deane Thrower

From what I understand it is Steve Sori and Dave Billinghurst. I don't understand how Dave can hold 2 positions but he thinks he can.

Just doing my part to reduce the fly population!!!!
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Re: About delegates..

Peter Merriman
In reply to this post by Michael Bell
Whatever the next 12 months brings the main thing is that the Fly not only survives but prospers.
There are many unanswered questions and a lot of points of view.

If we as a sport need to be part of the Benchrest discipline under SSAA then we need to make sure we are working together to get the best results.

The best way to stand together is to agree that each range that puts on a Fly shoot has the right to run things the way they want as long as they follow the rule book. I.e trophies or medals the club wants to put up.
 As long as all of the details are provided when the shoot is being promoted and abide by the SSAA rule book I don't see the problem. If you don't like what the range is promoting don't turn up.

One thing people need to remember is that at the end of the day all Fly shoots are shot on SSAA ranges.
If we start attempting to push around big brother we as a sport will be the one's who loose out.

Just my 2 cents

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Re: About delegates..

Deane Thrower

That's the point of all this, as Chappo stated the WAGGA club lost that right to run the event as they wanted because of interference by an individual with an agenda. Ironically the fact the committee operates behinds closed doors breeds the issue of clandestine dealings. With Les effectively kicked off said committee how do we a NSW SSAA fly shooters meet with our delegate face to face. We are having our rule book potentially changed without representation. Makes it even easier for Victoria to get these rules in. Who will be there to stop it. Who's to say we contact the NSW delegate and our wishes makes it past their inbox?

A rediculous situation that could ruin it for all of us for the sake of a few

Just doing my part to reduce the fly population!!!!
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Re: About delegates..

David Dundas
Hi Dean

I thought you comments were well said.

We certainly can't have a few people changing the rules for the rest of us because they are not very good at a particular event or don't like it much. The rest of us like it just the way it is.


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Re: About delegates..

Dave Purcell
Hate to say it but the Fly shoot lived and grew without any sanction from SSAA for over 20 years.
As long as you can get targets and a range willing to run the event who's to say it can't revert to its former life.

Majura, Batemans Bay, Silverdale etc etc can run matches as long as the club is happy to do so.
The SSAA never provided for the event before yet we had prizes, trophies, kept our own records and even developed and ran  the SOTY all managed by the shooters themselves. The Federal  Cup was the unofficial Nationals and the various organisers at each club managed to sort out a calendar that didn't clash ... all good.

Sad way to go but if that's what it takes ... or 600yd BR shot with the NRAA  same as 1000yd BR