BRT Federal Cup / Fly Nationals 7 March 2014

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BRT Federal Cup / Fly Nationals 7 March 2014

Dave Groves
Hi All,
            Things have been a bit hectic at home recently so I've been a bit slack with advertising the BRT Fed Cup/Fly Nationals, I should have the full details up tonight or tomorrow.

Looking forward to seeing lots of familiar faces and some new ones on the day.


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Re: BRT Federal Cup / Fly Nationals 7 March 2014

Les Fraser
I will be there Dave to shoot everything on offer
cheers Les
shooting well is more a mental control of your thoughts than just pulling the trigger........
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Re: BRT Federal Cup / Fly Nationals 7 March 2014

Anthony Hall
Hi Mate,

Good luck with everything at home... hope all goes well.

I will be there shooting both classes on Saturday and both classes at 1000 yards as well.


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Re: BRT Federal Cup / Fly Nationals 7 March 2014

Dave Groves
Hi all, here's the info you may have been waiting for.


SSAA ACT is hosting the
BRT Federal Cup 500m Fly Shoot
Incorporating the 4th Fly Nationals
Saturday 7 March 2015

Venue: SSAA ACT Majura Shooting Complex, Jim McKinley Range

Schedule of Events:
Saturday Day 7 March 2015 4th Fly Nationals - BRT Federal Cup
500m Fly Shoot sponsored by BRT Shooters Supply

Saturday Night 7 March 2014 – 300m Bat Shoot

Sunday 8 March 2015 – 1000yds Benchrest @ Canberra Rifle Club on Electronic Targets

Fees and courses of fire:

Federal BRT Cup: $50 per class or $90 for both classes
Includes: Optional Warmer target, 5 targets to score,
8 rds per target (3 on splash plate, 5 to score)

300m Bat Shoot: $15 Custom or Factory class, Min of 36 rds required, optional warmer target, 5 targets to score, 6 rnds per target, 1 on sighter target and 5 to score

1000yds Benchrest Match: Commencing at 0730 (hopefully!) Sunday Morning
$20 1 class, $25 for 2 using Kongsberg Electronic Targets, no competitor marking required!! We will be running 3 record targets for both light and heavy.
Includes 3 x 6 minute sighting periods, 3 x 10min record targets per class. 5 shots for light class per record target, 10 shots for heavy per record target, nominations to be made on the Saturday of the BRT Federal Cup

The Fly Shoot Nationals is run in accordance with the SSAA National Benchrest Rulebook.

National medals will be awarded for: 1st, 2nd and 3rd in Light & Heavy classes and 2 Gun Agg, Individual medals for Small Group and High Scoring Target for Light & Heavy classes, Junior less than 15 years and Junior 15 years to less than 18 years.

All nominations to be e-mailed to
Please nominate what class or classes to be shot, if intending to share equipment and if you are a left handed shooter.

Enquiries to Dave Groves 0412 118 135 or (02) 6262 4520
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Re: BRT Federal Cup / Fly Nationals 7 March 2014

Lindsay Horsfall
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Re: BRT Federal Cup / Fly Nationals 7 March 2014

Dave Groves
Hi All,
             As of this evening we have 56 spots taken in the BRT Federal Cup/Fly Nationals by 40 shooters.

If I haven't heard from you, please send in your nomination, and if you haven't had a response from me, please call my mobile and leave a message, I have responded to all nominees at this point.


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Re: BRT Federal Cup / Fly Nationals 7 March 2014

john mc quire
In reply to this post by Dave Groves
Hello Dave    how many shooters do you have nominated for the Canberra Fly  on the 7 th
                               it will be good to catch up with them all again
                                      see you soon
                               john mc quire  
  Every Shot inside the Eight Ring would be GREAT
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Re: BRT Federal Cup / Fly Nationals 7 March 2014

Dave Groves
G'day John,
                      We currently have 77 spots taken by 60 shooters, we have unfortunately had a couple of withdrawals but a couple of late entries as well.

Doing the bench draw tomorrow night, so that will be posted Thursday hopefully.

Spent an hour cutting some firewood this afternoon, Anthony Hall left a fire bucket behind in September last year (thanks Anthony) and I went and found it this arv as well, I'll put my trailer out Friday afternoon for anybody that is feeling the cold over the weekend (yes, that's you Queenslanders!)

Looking forward to catching up with everybody, things are busy at work so I don't expect to get to the range before about 3 or 4pm on Friday afternoon.

