BRT Fly Nationals -Federal Cup 2015 - Results

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BRT Fly Nationals -Federal Cup 2015 - Results

Anthony Hall
Hi all,

Well another great nationals fly shoot has been run in Canberra.  Well done to Dave Groves and the club up there for putting on such a great event.

Full results in excel here Fly_Nationals_2015_Published.xlsx  See tabs for all the classes.

Was very pleasant weather, albeit somewhat difficult with most shooters having at least one horrible target through the day as mirage and changing winds played havoc.  Fantastic result by Michael Bell with his nice coloured  Heavy gun... a great outright win with 244.02.

Light gun was won by Nick Aagren with 240.01, with Bob Wright taking second with 216.02 and Les Fraser third with 215.03, small group was Ron O'Sullivan at 1.141 and best target was Barry Tucker with 57.02.

Heavy Gun was won by Michael Bell with 244.02, 2nd place was Nick Aagren with 227.04 and Tyson Trotter was third 218.01, small group and best target were both won by Keith Dowell with 1.576 & 56.01.

The highest ranked junior was Kirra Deehan.


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Re: BRT Fly Nationals -Federal Cup 2015 - Results

john mc quire
Hello Anthony   there are a few of us who can't open your score sheet file
                           is there any chance of  it in an earlier version  
                                regards     John Mc Quire
  Every Shot inside the Eight Ring would be GREAT