Batemans Bay Fly Results

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Batemans Bay Fly Results

Anthony Hall

Another great weekend of Fly Shooting in Batemans Bay.  We had well over 40 entries each day and great weather.  The Mirage and Switchy winds certainly kept the scores low, but there were some great results achieved.  

A big thank you to PVM for scoring all weekend, again without a mistake !!

I have attached full results here, see the tabs on the bottom of the spreadsheet.
or in the older version of excel :

500m Light Gun was won by Michael Bell, with Lee-Anne van Meurs in 2nd and Stefan Karlson in 3rd Place. Small Group was Tracey Deehan at 55mm and Best Target was Barry Tucker with a 54.03.

500m Heavy Gun was also win by Michael Bell, with Barry Tucker and Nick Aagren making up the top three. Small Group was won by Les Fraser with 45mm and Best Target was Michael Bell with 56.02.

300m Custom class on Sunday was won by Rick Collins, with Nick Aagren in 2nd and Lee-Anne van Meurs making the podium again in third place.  Small Group was won by Rick Collins with 24mm and Best Target was also Rick Collins with a 60.03.

300m Factory class was hotly contested with 18 entries, it was won by Peter Varley, with Nick Aagren in 2nd and Brad Gooley achieving 3rd place.  Small Group was won by Peter Varley with 41.5mm and Best Target was also Peter Varley with a 59.02.

The 2 gun for the weekend was won by Nick Aagren, with Barry Tucker in 2nd and Lee Anne van Meurs taking 3rd place overall.

Thank you to all the volunteers who helped make the weekend such a success, the canteen staff who feed us all weekend and big thank you to a great group of shooters who made it an enjoyable weekend for all.


Anthony Hall