Bench Draws - Batemans Bay

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Bench Draws - Batemans Bay

Anthony Hall
Please see attached preliminary bench draws for this weekends shoot, they are still subject to change and I would appreciate you letting me know if you see any errors.

There is 37 entries each day, there will be four details Saturday & 3 details Sunday.

The weather forecast shows 28, sunny and a light breeze..... should be a good weekend.



500m Draw
300m Draw
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Re: Bench Draws - Batemans Bay

john mc quire
Hello Anthony    both John Lavaring and myself  will be shooting my Sako .222  in factory  for the 300 fly on sunday
                             and will not be shooting in custom class
                                thanks for the draw        john mc
  Every Shot inside the Eight Ring would be GREAT
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Re: Bench Draws - Batemans Bay

Anthony Hall
Hi John,

No worries, that is noted..... See you on the weekend.

