Benchrest AGM

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Benchrest AGM

Murray Hicks
Hi Everyone,

I just thought that I'd let you know about the upcoming Benchrest AGM. The AGM is held during the Benchrest Nationals (CF short range Nationals that is) each year. This year the meeting is in Brisbane on the Thursday night before Easter.

I am not sure that people are aware but I am one of the NSW BR delegates now and as such want to make sure Fly shooters are aware that they have a voice at this meeting. Other states are generally well represented and one of the main reason for putting my hand up to be a delegate was to ensure Fly shooters had an ongoing voice, particularly NSW shooters.

This post goes hand in hand with the rule book being released, in Fergus's previous post.

So if any NSW fly shooters have any suggestions or comments on how we can improve and/or grow the sport or fine tune any of the rules please let me know ASAP so can be add it to the agenda to be discussed at the meeting.

For those outside NSW please contact your respective BR State delegates.
Please let me know if you need any further information.

Cheers Murray