Brisbane - Madden Fly Results

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Brisbane - Madden Fly Results

Anthony Hall
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"The Madden Fly" - QLD State Championships 500m fly shoot was run on Monday at Belmont Range near Brisbane.

Attached are the results in Excel with tabs for the classes as well as PDF format. in case you cant open the excel file.

Well done to Vince and the club up there, it was a great shoot and the day went without a hitch.  The SSAA range up there is a fantastic complex and they are a terrific group of shooters.  If you haven't been, it is worth the drive !!

A couple of new range records were achieved. Vince Vaina now holds the range small group record at 1.244" & Anthony Hall now has the Light Gun score range record at 240.06.

A Summary of the results is;

Light Gun
1st Place, Anthony Hall - 240.06
2nd Place, Vince Vaina - 225.01
3rd Place, John McQuire - 221.01
Best Target Les Fraser 57.01
Small Group Vince Vaina 1.536"

Heavy Gun
1st Place - Stefan Karlsson - 240.02
2nd Place - Annie Elliott - 231.04
3rd Place - Les Fraser - 227.03
Best Target - Les Fraser 54.02
Small Group - Vince Vaina 1.244

Well done to all those that made the shoot the great event that it was.



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Re: Brisbane - Madden Fly Results

Alan Esler
Hi Anthony and all.
It was indeed a great shoot, and a big thank you to Vince Vaina for his tireless effort to make sure it all ran smoothly, and considering it was only the second fly shoot he has run, it was a great credit to him.
Also I would like to thank, on behalf of the Brisbane mob, yourself Anthony and Les Fraser, Stuart and Annie Elliott and the many others that helped throughout the day to make it all happen.
It was great to see so many different winners in the different categories, especially our International guest from Sweden, Stephan Karlsson, winning the Heavy gun and getting a fly, probably the only fly in Sweden when he gets it home. Also Vince for smallest group in both classes in only his second comp. (albeit the 1.244" was actually his heavy gun group and a new range record, the LG group was 1.536", smallest on the day, perhaps you could amend that).
The fact that it ran to the wire for LG between yourself and Les for soty added a bit of spice to it all, and the local shooters enjoyed the high level of competition provided by our interstate and international visitors, the likeable yank Don had a really great time and wishes they had something like the fly back home.
Stuart has given me a heap of really good quality pics. from the shoot, and as soon as I get a chance to edit them, I will have a go at posting them here. Be prepared for a few more competitors next year as the fly is starting to become very popular at Belmont since Vince has taken over the reins.
Thanks again for all your help,
Kind regards,
Alan Esler
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Re: Brisbane - Madden Fly Results

Anthony Hall
Hi Alan,

Thank you.

Correction made to all reports above as well as the results section of the web site.  I had already recorded the range records correctly under ranges and records..... I just typed it into the wrong (LG) section instead of HG on the results summary.

