Calendar 2017

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Calendar 2017

Les Fraser
Hi all can you please put up probable dates for fly matches next year so Andy Prowse can put up some shoot dates to his committee. I think Mudgee will be a great venue in the future and we need to support it..

cheers Les
shooting well is more a mental control of your thoughts than just pulling the trigger........
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Re: Calendar 2017

chappo (Greg Chapman)
This post was updated on .

Wagga draft calender at this stage

Sat 25th and Sun 26th MARCH  Wagga Fly
Sat 500m
Sun 300m

Sat 26th and Sun 27th AUGUST  Blue Heeler Classic Fly
Sat 500m
Sun 300m

At this stage there will be a few local (not registered) fly shoots
Sun 19 March 300m Fly
Sun 23rd April 200m RF Fly
Sat 29th July 500m Fly (1.30pm start)
sun 20th August 500m fly
"Only accurate rifles are interesting". Col Townsend Whelen
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Re: Calendar 2017

Andy Prowse
Thanks Greg, all the dates you listed I will cross off my choice of weekends for Fly.
Whenever the next Fly is held at WRSC, I will endeavour to have the 'target hangers', timing calls & other bits in place.
Will still need more experienced assistance with some bits, though.
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Re: Calendar 2017

Glenn Seaman
Hi Andy, I know you can't please everyone but it would be good if you could avoid the dates of the registered SSAA benchrest events particularly the State and Nationals.