Cancellation of the 2021 BRT Federal Cup

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Cancellation of the 2021 BRT Federal Cup

Dave Groves
Hi all,
                The committee of volunteers that runs the Fly in Canberra met Wednesday night this week to discuss running the Federal Cup.
We have taken guidance from the ACT Governments COVID19 website and conducted the suggested World Health Organisation Risk Assessment for Mass Gatherings.
We have, unfortunately, come to the conclusion that we are not in a position to meet the guidelines without subjecting ourselves and the shooters to an inordinate amount of work and inconvenience.
In order to meet the ACT COVID Safe guidelines for managing shared hard surfaces (the benches) with multiple shooters (either three or four details), the procedures required to mitigate the risk of transmission of COVID-19 would add 4 + hours to the day.
We would need all benches that were being shared by non-family members, to be cleared and the bench sanitised before setup of the next shooter, whilst all shooters remain 1.5m apart.
Any hard surfaces that attendees move their equipment to, could not be shared, or they would require sanitisation as well, so we would run out of storage space for competitors equipment very quickly.
In order to utilise the 1 person per 2 square meters rule, all attendees would be required to download and use the ACT Governments Check-In-Canberra app, and this would not reduce the requirement to maintain 1.5m between attendees.
In consideration of the above, we took the hard decision to not proceed with the event.
We hope that the national situation continues to improve and that with the relaxation of some of the social distancing requirements, we can run our ACT Championships in September.