Cancellation of the Wagga Fly March 2021

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Cancellation of the Wagga Fly March 2021

chappo (Greg Chapman)
After a long and in depth assessment the Wagga branch of the SSAA have reached the decision to cancel the Riverina Fly Championships originally for the end of March .
The reasons given by Canberra for the cancellation of their event are equally valid for us.
It came down to a few issues. Space, numbers, volunteers and rule 10
Being able to sanitise 20 benches AND the area that all the other rifles and gear not on the benches every time there was a target change was just not manageable and there is insufficient bench space for that amount of gear. It would make the shoot go all day and half the night.
We looked at running with reduced numbers of shooters but that left us with a manageable size of 20 shooters who could all shoot both classes WITHOUT moving most of their gear each time. The committee felt that was favouring those who are running two guns over those shooting a single class. In my mind that would not count as a registered match and is not in the spirit of the fly. Having reduced numbers also affects our event revenue and we would be unable to supply the prizes to the standard that we have set for our events in the past.
All our crew are volunteers. Having 4 people drive up the targets in 4 cars each time was unreasonable.  Many of our volunteers are of mature vintage and rightly so they wish to protect their heath.
We would not be able to have catering so  that would further slow us down.
RULE 10:
All of the issues raised by Canberra and those listed above severely limit compliance with rule 10.
The club is always attempting to find work arounds for these issues and we have not given up on the Blue Heeler shoot for August. It is the 10year anniversary of the 500m Blue Heeler and we wish to mark the occasion as best we can.
I know the State Fly delegates are looking at all possible alternatives too.
On behalf of Wagga SSAA I apologise that we have had to cancel the event. We will all get through this somehow and get back shooting hopefully soon.
"Only accurate rifles are interesting". Col Townsend Whelen