Christmas Greetings

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Christmas Greetings

Lindsay Horsfall
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Re: Christmas Greetings

Andy Prowse
Same to you too mate.   All the best & try not get caught this time...............

Yer, short range BR is very political & a bit of a waste of time, what fox actually stands at 100yards? Most of mine are metric & hang about at 150 metres or so out the back of the shed. Only need one shot, so this five in one hole seems to be a waste of good ammo!

Please do not break the other foot!

With regards to the old bit ...   .....        you got there first but I'm catchin' up.

best regards for the season,
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Re: Christmas Greetings

Les Fraser
In reply to this post by Lindsay Horsfall
Merry Christmas Lyndsay and i am glad you have decided to give short range a go it is an exciting sport that really does test both the accuracy of the rifle and the wind reading capabilities of the shooter i am sure you will do fine.

Those shooters interested in accurate rifles will find Short range BR the Grand Prix of accurate shooting. If any fly shooters wish to have a go i will be attending most matches with flags etc and happy to help.

cheers and merry christmas to all.

shooting well is more a mental control of your thoughts than just pulling the trigger........
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Re: Christmas Greetings

Jason Rushton
Merry Xmas to all and all the best for the new year.

Cheers Jason
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Re: Christmas Greetings

David Dundas
I wish you all a great Xmas and a safe New Years.

Hope to see you all on the firing line in 2016.

The best thing for shooters to do to improve your shooting is more shooting, doesn't matter what it is, long range, short range, rimfire etc - just get out and do it and enjoy yourselves.

Dave Dundas