Congratulations to the winners BRT Federal Cup

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Congratulations to the winners BRT Federal Cup

Les Fraser
Congratulations to Stuart and Anthony for their wins in the BRT Federal Cup and a special thanks to Russel and the gang for the BAT shoot which was won by a deserving Mike Bell well done mate keep up the great shooting and see you all at Wagga.

I must say that the whole weekend was a great result for Canberra SSAA and a special mention of Dave Grooves who worked tirelessly to make the whole thing come together... Well done Grovesy

shooting well is more a mental control of your thoughts than just pulling the trigger........
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Re: Congratulations to the winners BRT Federal Cup

Stuart Elliott
Totally agree. As sponsors we would like to thank everybody for participating. Without people we don't have an event. As years go on we all will look back upon the first ever Nationals and remember we were all there.

We had some funny moments, some woeful moments, some exciting moments. Great to see so many people enjoying ownership and shooting of accurate guns. Congrats to PVM who did see the funny side of his side bet loses and made for some good humor all round in the end. Thanks to SEB for donating $1000 cash for the teams prize pool. Great to see him visiting Australia again. We had some problems with his gun but worked through them and to be quite honest 14th place he finished which is very credible for someone who gets to shoot matches only when he can travel overseas. I hope his experience makes the rest of us appreciate what we have here in Australia. But we only have it as long as we work to retain it.

Winning is nice but not the most important thing in life. Just being a part of it makes everyone a winner really.
Rule 10 prevails and we are happy with that.

Great job of organising by Dave and the Canberra crew but also a new enthusiasm has crept into hosting shoots driven by people like Les Fraser and Anthony Hall and a few others who have not just spoken about assisting match directors but actually shown up and delivered. This really is a watershed moment and we all need that. Remember all these events at any location are organised on a voluntary basis. This is not paid or commerial organising so all of us within this sport really have an obligation one way or the other to participate.  Many hands make light work.

I have a feeling that in 2020 we will look back at 2012 Nationals and say, yep that event was a defining moment.

Look forward to next year now.
Stuart and Annie    BRT Shooters Supply
Every shot pleases somebody..........
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Re: Congratulations to the winners BRT Federal Cup

Sebastian Lambang
No worries Stuart, I am happy & proud to be a part of the shoot.

My Special Thanks to Dave for organizing & driven the match pretty well and for your kind helps!

My Special Thanks to Les for loaning me your gun for my last target, and so on!  

My Special Thanks to Murray for all the helps!

My Special Thanks to Stuart & Annie Elliot for everything!

My Special Thanks to Phil Jones to pick up & re-throat my barrel!

My Special Thanks to PVM & Lee Anne & Tyson Brothers!

My Special Thanks to Everyones at the shoot, for the kind welcome and so on!

You're All Great People there!!!

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Re: Congratulations to the winners BRT Federal Cup

Stuart Elliott
That's good. What happened to your photo here?

Every shot pleases somebody..........
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Re: Congratulations to the winners BRT Federal Cup

Geoff Grenfell
In reply to this post by Les Fraser
Not even a mention about a new Australian 500Mtr record.

Piss weak
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Re: Congratulations to the winners BRT Federal Cup

Anthony Hall
Hi Geoff,

What Australian 500m record are you refering to and what do you mean with the "Piss Weak" Comment ?

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Re: Congratulations to the winners BRT Federal Cup

Stuart Elliott
In reply to this post by Geoff Grenfell
Sorry I don't understand. The Fly records have been moved around a bit lately as there was a decision to start including new records from when it became a SSAA event. I myself cannot recall when that starts from. I personally have not 'official' involvement with the "Fly" anymore so am not completely privi to that.

If there was a new record I'm not aware but glad to be enlightened.

Who were you directing the "piss weak" comment at specifically please?

Stuart Elliott
Every shot pleases somebody..........
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Re: Congratulations to the winners BRT Federal Cup

Les Fraser
In reply to this post by Geoff Grenfell

First of all for a record to be claimed it has to go through the proper certification process and as i have not had an email from Max Coady about the new record i cannot post it. As for the " Piss weak" comment please refrain from making remarks like this on this forum. If you want to voice a concern then please do so after you are fully aware of the process for claiming records in this sport.  And voice your concern in a logical manner such remarks like yours only encourages poor discussion that leads to offensive posts that keep people from contributing in a positive manner.

Also for you to stay on this forum you must put up a picture of yourself so that when you are posting other flyshooters know you by sight and by name.

Les Fraser
shooting well is more a mental control of your thoughts than just pulling the trigger........
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Re: Congratulations to the winners BRT Federal Cup

Pete van Meurs
In reply to this post by Geoff Grenfell
I have delayed responding on this thread in the hope that someone else well-versed in the procedures would save me the trouble - seems I get the job!

Record scores/groups in Benchrest -
If a competitor believes that he/she may have shot a new record it is the competitors responsibility to see to it that the scorers/organisers are alerted. Do not remove your target(s) from the 'wailing wall' unless directed to do so by the officials of the match (targets retrieved from your car are ineligible!). You should request a 'Record Claim Form' from the organisers and duly complete same and request that the organisers forward same along with the target(s) to Max Coady (National scorer/keeper of rccords) for verification. Verification will depend on the average of three experienced scorers. Then and ONLY then can one (or one's supporters) boast of a new record. Even if it seems painfully obvious that the standing record has been easily beaten these procedures gaurantee fairness to all and we must await the outcome.

As to actual records it is interesting to note that  Chris Rigby's (now) unofficial LG group record (1.23"?) stood for 11 years until Dave Purcell shot 1.22? at Batemans in June  and Tyson Trotter shot 1.210" at Eagle Park in November. Not much improvement but measurable! The 'Range Record' at Canberra (an un-official thing but still important)  would still be Chris's.

Moving on to Heavy Gun - it is interesting to note that the new record 'claim' of 1.380" is still well short of the official LG record where in the past  a succession of HG records were under the 1.2" mark. I will not try to explain this as luck plays too big a part in small groups at 500mt - as I know only too well!

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Re: Congratulations to the winners BRT Federal Cup

Anthony Hall
Hi Pete,

Yes well said, but a dumb one line unjustified comment with a rude remark didn't seem to warrant an intelligent response.


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Re: Congratulations to the winners BRT Federal Cup

Pete van Meurs
Anthony,  I was trying to help all as well as educating Geoff in the process! His remark will remain a blot on this web-site until his public apology is presented. Hopefully the greater majority (who actualy shoot SSAA events as distinct from primarily NRAA shooters) wil have benefitted from my post.  Pete

PS - No photo - different computer - my apologies
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Re: Congratulations to the winners BRT Federal Cup

Dave Purcell
This post was updated on .
In reply to this post by Geoff Grenfell
I seem to recall that Dave Groves annouced a new record during the small group presentaions and I am certain that the man who shot the group Mr Paul "Chopper" Read was acclaimed by his peers at that time.
When the record claim is offical it will appear on Benchrest Bulletin with all the SSAA Benchrest records.
Sadly Geoff your post detracts from both this forum and Rule 10 of the Fly shoot and sounds like the sort of rubbish no one wants on this forum.
I doubt you will apologise for your comment and if thats the case perhaps its better all round that you just go away.
Sportsmanship and respect for others is something you may one day learn but apparently you haven't yet.