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Trevor Thompson
I read Pete's interview on this site and his idea of a "cruiserweight" caught my eye.

I take it that article was done some time ago and since there is no cruiserweight division would I also be safe to assume it was not introduced?

Is it a dead issue or still under consideration?
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Re: Cruiserweight

Anthony Hall
Hi Trevor,

It was never under consideration from an official rules point of view....

There is and will only ever be Light Gun and Heavy Gun..... But the concept of shooting either a small calibre (6BR, 6 Dasher) that is right at the top of the LG class and shooting it in both classes exists.

Probably the most common though would be a light heavy gun (17-25lb) ....something with a standard 3" stock that will work from conventional front and read bag/rest arrangements.

A lot of true heavy guns are 35lb+ and 5" wide stocks etc.  They require much larger rests and bags etc.

A cruiser weight Heavy gun in that sense can be shot from the same rest and bags that people already have for Light Gun.


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Re: Cruiserweight

Trevor Thompson