Current entrants for Hilltop

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Current entrants for Hilltop

Fred Blacker
Hi all. Please see attached current entrants for the Hilltop Fly.
Still time to get your nominations in.

Aarsen, Glen
Ambrose, Malcolm
Ambrose, Raymond
Ambrose, Sean
Bailey, Richard
Bailey, William
Ball, Cheryl
Ball, Stephen
Berg Von Lindhe, Carol
Bernard, Robert
Blacker, Bruce
Blacker, Fred
Calleja, Jamie
Coulter, Bob
Cross, Peter
Davies, Rod
Difford, Michael
Dowel, Keith
Dundas, David
Dundas, Kathy
Everett, Justin
Foale, John
gardiner, warren
Gilbert, John
Ginger, Craig
Harris, John
Lipko, Jack
McRae, Brad
Mitchell, Brian
Mitchell, Janette
Pavey, Tim
Perrin, Ken
riches, matt
Smith, Richard
Taylor, Brian
Taylor, Daniel
Vaina, Vincent
Welsh, Mark
Weston, Anthony
Wilson, Ivan
Wray, Brian
Yalden, Bruce
Zucconi, David
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Re: Current entrants for Hilltop

max coady
my name is not there, Max Coady
Thanks mate
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Re: Current entrants for Hilltop

Fred Blacker
Hi Max. I have yours. Don't know why it's not on the list. See you there.