Dates for matches

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Dates for matches

Les Fraser
Hi all just would like to put it out there about the dates for matches and the impacts that may or may not happen. I do really appreciate that the dates thate matches are set are a results of many ours of massaging to make the dates work.

As always there is the choice of the shooters to attend which meeting they prefer however i just want to put it out there that if all the shoots are very close together and with a large gap in the middle it may reduce the numbers as shooters will then make decisions about the cost and the closeness of the shoots.

The additional effect of this is shooters will then miss a couple of shoots and the drive to attend starts to also drift a little.

I am sure that this topice will hopefully cause some positive debate.

This discussion has gone around through other disciplines as well and again i do appreciate that it is always up to the individual which shoot they will be attending.
shooting well is more a mental control of your thoughts than just pulling the trigger........
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Re: Dates for matches

Michael Bell
G'day Les,
This is a very relevant subject which I hope will create some discussion.

In a perfect "fly shooting" world, to my mind, one match each month would be ideal. Matches through the middle of winter are probably more eagerly anticipated because there's less mirage in the colder months & lets face it, if you can see your shots landing it's more enjoyable.

I'm thinking the guys from the clubs who organise these events should chime in with their thoughts as it's they who go into battle on our behalf to close the range to all other shooters for a whole day so we can compete.
I'm guessing this is no easy task & at some ranges (Little River) it's almost impossible. Strangely, shooters of other disciplines believe that they also have rights!

That said, I believe  (selfishly) one shoot per month would be the "best".

Michael Bell
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Re: Dates for matches

Anthony Hall

It is a good topic, and probably involves more than just fly shoots...

I agree with Belly, ideally one per month would be great.... or at least 3 weeks clear between each shoot.  Unfortunately that is not always possible.... like Little river and The Maddern in Brisbane... consecutive weekends....and 2000 kms apart..... and basically the dates for each are set in stone.  I moved the Batemans Bay October shoot to Feb as the calendar was very cluttered in september/october/november (canberra/Little River/Brisbane) as well as footy grand finals & bathurst etc...

There is also the complication that SSAA registered matches are not allowed to clash with certain registered events in each state, there is range availability and other commitments, school holidays (Easter etc) to complicate things more.

Then there are other matches (1000 yard etc) that we should work together with to achieve the best result we can for all shooters.  We do also need consistency to plan from year to year. Additional venues or new shoots should try and work around gaps in the existing calendar.

If you count out December / January for christmas.... there are 9 currently registered shoots (10 once SA comes online) in ten months.... it should theoretically be possible to go close to achieving one per month !!

What would people like where and when ?  Look at the calendar, consider the implications for each venue and give your thoughts to what could be better for the majority (not just you !!)....

