Electronic powder dispensers

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Electronic powder dispensers

Jason Rushton
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Hey Guys,

Am interested to hear other shooters thoughts and experiences with electronic powder dispensers, namely the Hornady Lock and Load, RCBS Charge-master and the Lyman 1200, Gen 5 or 6, or any other electronic dispenser you have used.
I've been using the Hornady L&L for a few years now loading my 6BR  for 500m Fly. My experience is limited to only have used the Hornady L&L and RCBS beam scale. For the most part im happy with these two, I double check loads with the beam scale and 99% of the time they seem to be very close and consistent, but as the Hornady is the cheapest on the market (which is the reason I bought it)  I was thinking of up-grading to a more expensive unit, as they say "you get what you pay for".
So, was wondering if any of you have found any differences good, bad or otherwise between the cheaper Hornady and other more expensive units??


Jason Rushton
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Re: Electronic powder dispensers

Les Fraser
Hi mate the RCBS Chargemaster is one of the constant performers that you see at most short range benchrest matches and i am pretty sure most of the top line competitors in the fly are the same. There are lots of tricks and programming options for the Chargemast and you can find these on the WEB. I know the $800 price tag scares you a bit but you will have a great balance for many many years to come.

cheers Les
shooting well is more a mental control of your thoughts than just pulling the trigger........
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Re: Electronic powder dispensers

Jason Rushton
Gday Les,

The Chargemaster sounds like the obvious choice, after speaking with a handful of other shooters that use electronic dispensers I've found its the most popular unit out there, with no complaints.

Cheers for your reply

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Re: Electronic powder dispensers

chappo (Greg Chapman)
another plus one for the RCBS chargemaster. Like any measuring tool it requires a consistent method of use to ensure accuracy.  Best mod is the maccas straw up the dispensing tube when using large extruded powders.
"Only accurate rifles are interesting". Col Townsend Whelen
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Re: Electronic powder dispensers

Jason Rushton
Gday Chappo,

I use the straw on my Hornady as well definitely cuts down over throws. Seen another method by Eric Cortina (USA F Class shooter) he cuts the front half a 6BR case of and puts that over the end of dispenser shaft, you can have a look on his YouTube channel 'Eric Cortina', some interesting stuff on there.

