End of State v State & other unrest amongst Fly Shooters

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End of State v State & other unrest amongst Fly Shooters

Anthony Hall
To all Fly Shooters & Delegates,

I have been asked by the National Chairman to send the attached “National Chair to all Fly Shooters” document to all the Fly Shooter email address that I have on file. – See attached. – (Sent via BCC to 80+ addresses to protect your privacy)


Over the past several months, there has been some unrest, a feeling of lack of representation, a lack of transparency and some “State v State” issues that have been affecting the Fly Shooting community.  

Some of this has been due to the fact that we are leading up to a period where the rule book is due for review and open to proposed changes and a Hall of Fame is being developed.

One of the major issues was the division caused by a move to some sort of “Multi Gun” to be the overall match winner similar to short range benchrest.

In consultation with match organisers, prominent shooters and some club representatives from all states and clubs on the east coast, we reached an agreement last month that is clear and shows that there is actually no division between clubs, most match organisers or any State v State.  There have been a lot of people clearly expressing their support and opinions on this.  A small group that are representative of a much larger collective of shooters have signed an agreement that was issued to the National Chair as “Instructions to our Delegates” on this matter, it is attached for your reference.


Given the National Chairman’s commitment that Fly Shooters are able to have a say at the delegates meeting, and that historical integrity of the Fly will remain, there is no reason for this unrest to continue.  

Victoria or QLD are no different to NSW in what the majority of shooters want, and no club is pushing for anything different, we can all get on with enjoying the sport.

I am also assured that any agenda items relating to fly shooting will be distributed well in advance of next year’s delegates meeting and be open to clear discussion and input before taken to a vote by our delegates, and our delegates will vote according to the instructions of the majority of shooters in their state.  There will be no hidden agenda items or surprise rule changes to suit any individual.

If you have any comments, feedback or points you want to discuss, feel free to do so on  www.500mflyshooter.com.au under the forum section, or contact your local match organiser or state delegate directly.

Hopefully, this will close the chapter on this unrest and angst and let us all get on with enjoying what I consider the best shooting competition in Australia !!

Kind regards,

Anthony Hall
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Re: End of State v State & other unrest amongst Fly Shooters

Anthony Hall
Thank you to all those that replied by email or phone, great level of support and unity.

Good to see us all on the same page and moving forward with the same goals.

