Flags at Batemans Bay shoot

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Flags at Batemans Bay shoot

Keith Dowel
Could everyone please check that they do not have an extra BRT flag amongst their own. I am missing one  whole flag and would be happy to hear from someone. Thx

Would also like to say what a great weekend was had by us and fantastic organisation by Anthony and his crew.
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Re: Flags at Batemans Bay shoot

David Dundas
Hi Keith

I saw a flag (BRT with std tail) in just in front of bench 7 or 8 (CF) near where you were shooting on Sat, Anthony and Les was up near there as well so let them know about it. I noted it was not collected or moved after shooting on Sat and was still sitting there when most had packed up and left. Check with Anthony.
I saw these BRT flags are easily picked up by others in error so put my name on mine in marker pen, not lost one in ten years and people can give you a hoy if they are in their way instead of just having them laid down by an RO.
Hope it is yours,


Dave Dundas