Fly Nationals - Canberra - Results

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Fly Nationals - Canberra - Results

Anthony Hall
Hi All,

Another fantastic event in Canberra this weekend, well done to Dave Groves and the crew up there for all their hard work & range improvements to make it happen.

There were some great results from a good sized field of 75 entries, good to see some new names in the Dirty Dozen also this year.

See attached in Both Excel Formats as well as PDF's
In Summary the results are as follows:
Light Gun was:
Michael Bell 1st Place with 259.06
Tyson Trotter 2nd Place with 249.02
Anthony Hall 3rd Place with 240.03

Michael Bell won small group at 1.203" and best target with a new pending national record of 59.04 points.

Heavy Gun was:
Tyson Trotter 1st Place with 266.05
Annie Elliott 2nd place with 258.05
Michael Bell 3rd Place with 240.02

Small Group went to Chris Goulden with 1.468"
Best Target went to Michael Bell with 57 Points

The dirty Dozen were
1 Tyson Trotter H HG 266.05
2 Michael Bell L LG 259.06
3 Annie Elliott H HG 258.05
4 Anthony Hall L LG 240.03
5 Chris Goulden L LG 229.03
6 Stephen Pelin L LG 229.01
7 Lee-Ann VM H HG 228.02
8 Barry Tucker L LG 227.00
9 Jacko                     HG 221.04
10 Rick Collins L      LG 221.00
11 Les Fraser L       LG 221.00
12 Dave Groves       HG 220.02

