Hi All
Throwing an idea out there to see who would be interested in having a friendly wager for next season. I had the idea of a $50 entry fee, the Comp would be highest combined score from 3 registered matches, either LG or HG and winner takes all. Open to suggestions. I figure it would run the whole season that way everyone has the chance to get in three matches, those who shoot more can drop there worst matches. Anyways if 10 people enter winner takes $500 big one or so on. Interested to see what you all have to say Cheers Deano
Just doing my part to reduce the fly population!!!!
Hi Dean
I like the idea of giving money to shooters but not all are in the running to win so may not appeal to all. At our club for the Spring and Autumn shoots they put a $100 split into three envelopes and draw out three names at the presentation like a lucky door prise. The shooter points to the envelope he wants if he's first drawn but has no idea which envelope has which amount. Good part is then winners of the cash can be any competitor who payed his money, we onlt get 20 starters and our entry fee's is only $20 per event s0 not alot of money to go around but the shooters love it. Some of the clubs have fees so high they are just money making events and give little back to the shootersm these clubs would rather make a political donation or put the money into the war chest then give something back to the shooters. Keep the suggestions comming. Regards Dave |
In reply to this post by Deane Thrower
Agreed that this is not for everyone, it's an 'unofficial' side bet if you will. I disagree that not everyone can win it, I say this because the guys that are winning frequently are human and are beatable on any given day. I proved this at Canberra, I have shot 4 matches since 2011, for 3 years I didn't own a gun let alone shoot so I believe if you want to win, work hard and listen....watch....and learn from those who are successful and you can be also. I also feel a side bet could and should push us all to go out there and give it all you have. Don't get me wrong if this gets up and running I want people to get involved because they feel they can and not because others are. I am also on the fence with the lucky door prize concept and have been with other sports also. This is MY opinion only but I disagree with 'participation awards' this wasn't around when I was kid and I feel I learnt that if you want a trophy or a prize etc you bust your ass to be the best you can. Me personally I would rather go home empty handed than get a smiley stamp cause I turned up. Again this is my view and I don't mean to rock the boat so to speak but my view is if you work hard and win the shoot or your class why should you leave with less than someone who didn't put in the hard yards but was drawn out of a hat for turning up? Cheers Deano
Just doing my part to reduce the fly population!!!!
I can see the idea behind the idea and any shooter who wants to be involved with it they can. I tend to agree with David's idea of lucky draws ect. You have trophys for the top 3 places, small groups ect. These small prizes are what helps get new shooters into the sport and keep coming back. If they turn up have fun get a small something they may spend the dollars on the better equipment and go forward with the sport, instead of paying the entry fee getting a ass kicking and leaving on a low. Yes they didn't work there buts off but I am sure they did the best they can with what they have. Everyone starts some where. If we don't get new bums on seats it's going to be a sport that will diminish into a small group of people that compete against each other constantly which may get stale after time. Just my opinion on the matter from a relative new shooter to the sport. Cheers Cameron |
In reply to this post by Deane Thrower
sounds like fun
there will be some big numbers there from 3 best scores over a year, what about breaking it up to best single score from 1 round (if tie breaker needed the smallest group wins) smallest group and most flys from one round just an idea but our biggest problem in WA is we don't really have any registered matches, we just do club shoots, can we use those cheers |
In reply to this post by Deane Thrower
Dean I think this is a great idea. I personally don't believe in lucky door prizes and when someone wins a barrel for turning up when the overall winner gets a small trophy I think it is about face. It is your idea and I think some have shot the donkey at wagga which is the same as your suggestion only you want it over the year. I think four registered matches to count that way it is the most consistent shooter.
Now each club does their own thing with matches and you enter under these rules. The fly site administrators will be looking at a trophy and it will be for the overall winner with no exceptions. Bums on seats come from other shooting sports and to gather new shooters to our sport you need to encourage them with trophies of substance which is attractive. Having done a fair share of attempting to bring shooters to shooting sports the main driver is always going to be money if shooters put in hundreds of hours and dollars into being the best you can be then you should take home the best trophy. I am interested in what other shooters think about deans suggestion and other options because we need to keep momentum moving forward with the fly
shooting well is more a mental control of your thoughts than just pulling the trigger........
In reply to this post by Deane Thrower
I'm sure we can fit our brothers in the WA should you guys be interested. The concept behind having it over a few shoots is it allows for you to have an average shoot so to speak but still be in it. We could split it and say highest score gets say 75% and highest fly count gets 25% or what ever is agreed apon. As I said it's only a suggestion and we can work out the details should there be interest. I believe we run with what the majority decide and then it's set in concrete. I think it would be fun to have you guys involved and bring the Australian fly community together. It's hard for you guys to come to our matches but an interesting way to link us ALL together. Cheers Deano
Just doing my part to reduce the fly population!!!!
Cameron, Les
First off Cameron I appreciate it's an expensive sport but like anything in life your commitment is what separates the pointy end from the rest. I feel that trophies and prizes should be awarded to those who put the work in, commit to being the best they can because at the end of the day they are the ones spending the time and lots of dollars to win or place high. If the system was feared that way don't you think you would push harder, practice and do what it takes to improve to be in that position. I know for me personally I turn up to win and to watch and learn and improve on every aspect of shooting. I love the community we have and the competitive nature as it drives improvement. Look at the scores these days, there are quiet a few guys who can win on any given day and that's what it's about, improvement and evolvement. Anyway just my 2 cents on the matter. Les, totally agree. As good as it is to see prizes etc I feel things like barrels etc should go to the winners as it is a reward for effort not participation. I know quiet a few guys who are getting new barrels chambered for the new season including myself, we know this isn't cheap. Everyone has the ability to do the same but those who are trying to win will, and those who are having fun maybe won't. It's great we have diversity in terms of what we are getting out of the sport but for me it's not a hobby, or I would play cricket etc which is more cost effective. I am here cause I love shooting and I love being competitive and pushing myself to improve. No doubt there are those who disagree but let's look at this way, in Tennis, Golf, Motorsport. Do the winners get the big bucks or is spread out to encourage participation? Cheers
Just doing my part to reduce the fly population!!!!
In reply to this post by Deane Thrower
Completely agree and you have raised an interesting point. The generosity of other shooters, being loaning rifles and sharing expertise encouraged you to spend the dollars and get right into it......not the small prizes at the shoots. You are right when you say Les and others have helped me to get to where I am along the same lines as yourself, it wasn't a tube of bolt grease as a door prize, it was the openness of the community which made me want to go out and get the best gear and be competitive with them. I would extend the same treatment I have received from other shooters, which I try to do here also. If there is ANYONE who would like to have a few shots of my rifle at a match by all means drop me a line and I will load up some extra ammo and be glad to do so. This is what puts bums on seats not small prizes etc, that's why they have raffles at the Bowlo or RSL. Again my views and mine alone! Cheers
Just doing my part to reduce the fly population!!!!
I am all for unofficial side bets. Would be happy to bet anyone in the 200y Fly! I am putting a bottle of 12yo Scotch up next month to the winner worth over $50, I have done this for the last 17 years. Dave |
In reply to this post by Deane Thrower
sounds like a plan Deano and i'm up for what the guys decide to but thought i'd put my 2 cents in just to mix it up haha
might wait till winter as the wind and mirage are in by 7am over here in summer hahaha and Dave great work mate ![]() |
I'm sure there will be some rim fire guys keen to get something going. Stuart, Don't worry come Feb mirage is a killer here to, especially Canberra. hopefully you guys will get to find out in March at the Nationals. Once we have some more input I aim To finalise everything by January and kick it off at Batemans Bay. Will definitely heat up the competition. Depending on who's keen there maybe $1000+ up for grabs. Cheers
Just doing my part to reduce the fly population!!!!
I’ll be in that. The big scores have all been shot up north with Little River (Eagle Park), my home range, being the lowest scoring range. So how about the competition has to include a score from Little River just so the shoe’s on the other foot re travel! If we get it up and running I’d be happy to help administer the competition by maintaining a spread sheet with the progressive results for posting on the forum. There’d also be some housekeeping/legal issues to be addressed as to how the money was collected and held in trust for the season. As you say it’s a competition open to anyone and is in addition to and not instead of what the participating clubs and sponsors are already offering in the way of trophies and participation prizes. Nick |
In reply to this post by Deane Thrower
I think its a great idea Deano id be in for sure, just not sure how we'd work it over here in the west? Might get together with Stuart on this to see if we can come up with a plan.
Cheers Jason |
In reply to this post by Deane Thrower
Great to see the positive feedback, I think it should be great fun, and potentially very profitable for the winner. Nick, sounds like a great idea. Hopefully some more people chime in and for sure if the majority agree little river will be compulsory as prt of the competition. It certainly will encourage more of us to make the trip next year. Jason, thinking about it, we could have a postal arrangement for you guys in the WA that want to be involved. I'm more than happy that we include you guys and I'm sure there is some good ideas to be floated around as to how best run it. I agree with nick and appreciate his offer to compile a spreadsheet of scores to be postage so we can see how we are tracking throughout the year and make the process as transparent as possible. We will also need someone to hold the cash or setup a bank account to hold the funds. Maybe one of the clubs could handle this. Again open to ideas. I can't wait for next year and certainly can't wait to see how we all progress. When knows we may see another 280+ score come out, but the best part is the key will be consistency. Cheers Deano
Just doing my part to reduce the fly population!!!!
Dean i think the thread has reached a great point where people are offering to help and get it sorted i think if you and Nick get your heads together and put up the rules then i think we should do it. Will you have two classes one for LG and one for HG or do you enter twice and the highest score regardless wins. Only thinking HG Should be included as it is separate thing but as this is your gig happy to pay and enter what ever rules you wish.
Really looking forward to it.
shooting well is more a mental control of your thoughts than just pulling the trigger........
In reply to this post by Deane Thrower
I was think LG and HG would compete as one and outright points leader in either class would take the lot. If you guys would like to see a seperate class and put $50 in for each I'm cool with that also. Would be great to get some more opinions. I would like to get the rules sorted by the end of December and then start nominations. Look forward to some more input Cheers
Just doing my part to reduce the fly population!!!!
Hi All,
I have been away with the family for the last week....wow what a lot of activity on the fourm !! Good to see. I have no issue with this or any form of side bet.....but why not simply tack it on to the current SOTY event for the year ? There is already a spreadsheet, rules and multiple ranges required.... Those that want to buy in....could do so at or before their first shoot of the year (say $50 or $100 per class) and then award first 70%, 2nd 20% & 10% third according to how many entries you get ? Cheers Anthony |
In reply to this post by Deane Thrower
There appears to be a bit of silence on the topic, so I guess that's it for suggestions. Both myself and Nick will finalise the rules if you will, and once completed will post on the forum. I hope all of you take a part in this as it I a good way of injecting some competition, and some money into the picture. Will get back to you all soon, Cheers
Just doing my part to reduce the fly population!!!!
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