Fun of fly shooting.......

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Fun of fly shooting.......

Les Fraser
Just thought i would start a thread about the fun of the fly shooting match. I have heard that a couple of folks see the current discussions to be detrimental to the good fun of the fly. Nothing can be further from the truth the passion we all have for the sport sometimes comes across as issues or perceived problems with the sport.

When a particular matter is raised then we must debate it to keep the sport moving forward in an orderly manner. Without rules and guidelines most sports over time implode and i certainly don't want this to happen with the fly and neither does anyone else.

Without the information being put out there for you to discuss, decisions could be made that as a collective group we don't agree with. This also causes issues and could really end the sport in it's current form.

So as much as possible i will post information on here for you to read and comment on if you like.

Fly shooting is a great sport and anyone can shoot well, with dedication and practice the good scores will come everyone had that opportunity.

Sport - You get out of it what you put into it..........
Rule 10

cheers Les
shooting well is more a mental control of your thoughts than just pulling the trigger........
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Re: Fun of fly shooting.......

Stuart Pethy
I love shooting.the fly
Yes we talk about thinks affecting fly at times but we talk about it and move on for the better.. every sport needs to do this

What attracts me to fly is the hole scoring system. Score for what you shoot then a group score.. makes you try and get better
The blokes shooting fly are mainly a top bunch and always willing to help someone out with tips, advice and helping.out when needed. Saw this in a huge way when us WA blokes came over for the nationals.
The usual banter between shooters and pushing each other to perform better and few beers after the shoot
We have seen the scores here in WA come so far in just a few short years from lucky to get 100 to now getting 250s at times and blokes getting seriously into it..from days of hunting guns being used off bipods and old sandbags to neo and farley rests and custom target guns. i know of 7 custom gun being built in our small club alone atm.
Looking.forward to the future and cant wait till we all get out set ups right.. going to be great times ahead