Glue in Actions

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Glue in Actions

john mc quire
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 Hi all fly shooters
                                   i would like to know if you glue your actions into your stocks ?
                              or do you use a bedding block  or pillar bedding blocks  ?
                        also how many use barrel mounts and let the action float free
                   if you use a barrel block mount  where do you fit  your scope
                     onto the block or on the action  ?
                         what are the pro's and con's  of these mounting systems
                                                   john mc quire
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Re: Glue in Actions


I have a number of rifles as you are probably aware. Some are barrel-blocked, others glued in, others have conventional bedding. Really does not seem to matter. If the barrel is to be free-floated then a glue-in has the advantage of being maintainence free (I like to screw and glue with round actions).
