Good luck in the first National Bench rest 500m fly

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Good luck in the first National Bench rest 500m fly

Les Fraser
I would like to take this opportunity to wish al who have entered in the BRT Federal Cup all the very best. I think that this sport has passed its milestone in developing as a recognised pricision sport.

From the size and qaulity of the field i am sure that this will be a shoot to remember,and we will all benefit from the experience. I will be at the range on Wednesday afternoon cleaing down the benches and what ever else needs to be done prior to the practices on Friday.

If anyone needs any assistance with sighting in or getting ready prior to Friday i am only to happy to help you out. On the day i think that the orgranisers and folks running the shoot would benefit with a helping hand throughout the day. With the BAT shoot on Saturday night and the 1000k on Sunday i think there will be lots of opportunities to help.

I have only been shooting this sport for the past three years and i have formed some fantastic friendships and i look forward to these shoots very much. I am impressed with the manner in which everyone is on a playing field where the true marksman wins the day.

Realising that there are any number of side bets happening and team matches it has added a whole new dimention to the  shoot.

We are all there to have fun so pitch in lend a hand and help out your fellow shooters.........

I look forward to seeing you all this weekend
cheers and good shooting Les
shooting well is more a mental control of your thoughts than just pulling the trigger........