Great work guys on the forum

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Great work guys on the forum

Les Fraser
Well done to those who are posting and presenting arguements for issues relating to fly shooting it is very refreshing not to see out and out sledging and personal attacks on other shooters.
The healthy Debates going on can only mean that we are all thinking of the sport and where to head it in the future.

Thanks again and keep up the great work
shooting well is more a mental control of your thoughts than just pulling the trigger........
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Re: Great work guys on the forum

john mc quire
Hello Les   great work from you also
                you have given the Fly Shooters  a great meeting place
             and by the look of what has happened over the last few weeks
              we are going to get a lot more good ideas and information  on this forum
            just think  from 0 to 1000 visits in a few weeks  
              what will it be like by Christmas  
                                           john mc quire
  Every Shot inside the Eight Ring would be GREAT