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Pete van Meurs
Banned User
Hi all,

Most will be aware that I officially retired from gunsmithing at the end of 2013  (apart from a few 'carry-over' jobs). Some may not know that my 'sales department' will continue in (ever diminishing form)  for a few years yet - unless I get a 'take-over' bid. Anyway, back to the main topic - all is not lost as I have, in recent times, befriended Luke Easter, a young fellow of not yet 30 years who has impressed me with his general gunsmithing skills. Not only does Luke have an engineering back-ground (qualified fitter etc with many years working in the LaTrobe Valley's power stations) but his accomplishments in the wider gunsmithing world have firmly established him in his local area as the 'go-to' man. With his skills and a comprehensively equipped workshop he was ready to take on another challenge.
It was when Luke decided that he wished to become involved in the accuracy game that we first got talking. Being the modest fellow that he is he doubted his ability to create the rifles that serious target shooters demand and spent much time with me in my workshop observing my techniques. I reckon he did not learn a great deal over and above what he already knew but at least he had some reinforcement! In any case, he has taken over most of my chambering reamers and, more importantly, a lot of  specialised tooling, so is fully equipped to do those tricky jobs that go with the accuracy game. The jobs that I have been able to do a 'QA' check on have been A1. Luke will attend his first 500 metre Fly at Canberra next weekend and I will endeavour to introduce him to all that may be interested in meeting him. In the meantime you may care to check his web-site to note some of the services he offers (particularly 'Ceracote' finishes).

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Re: Gunsmithing

chappo (Greg Chapman)
Sad that  you are not in the game any more Pete, but Luke must be ok to get such high praise. Look forward to meeting him next weekend.

"Only accurate rifles are interesting". Col Townsend Whelen