Hearing protection? Which is best?

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Hearing protection? Which is best?

David Dundas
Hi All

While at the Little River on the weekend I noticed that my little  NRR22 muffs dont cut the mustard as far as blocking the loud noises, in fact I could still hear the shots in the splash plates right across the range. I like it quiet to concentrate  on flags and what I am doing while shooting so want the MAX sound suppression and dont want to play music or other fancy features. I tried some moulded ear plugs but had trouble getting them in the right position to be effective so I ended up with a combination of both but was not great.
What do all use and\or recommend and where did you get them.


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Re: Hearing protection? Which is best?

Dave Groves
Hi Dave,
               With hearing protection it can depend on how your cheek addresses your rifle, I use big bulky Peltors with no problems but many people can’t use them comfortably.

There is a Defence supply company in Fyshwick here in Canberra that sells to the public and advertises at SSAA, I have a set of these as well as my older Peltors and both are pretty good.



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Re: Hearing protection? Which is best?

David Dundas
Thanks Dave

I will check them out, Kathy wants a pair as well.

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Re: Hearing protection? Which is best?

Anthony Hall
Hi Dave,

I personally like Electronic Ear Muffs so that I can still talk and hear people during the shoots, some prefer just noise suppression.

The big difference between cheap ones and expensive ones is the quality of the foam that seals around your ear.  Some are hard making them less effective as well as less comfortable.  I have the Peltor Electronic earmuffs


They are good enough for me at most ranges, although with the Baffles at Wagga, I am going to get some ear plugs to wear under them for that range.

I find the larger ones too bulky and the thinner ones not enough protection.

Not sure where the best place in Australia is to buy them.


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Re: Hearing protection? Which is best?

David Dundas
Thanks Guys,

I am finding the Peltors are highly recomended on various reviews. Sometime their NRR rating is not as high as other brands but are better when compared side by side. I will but a quality set of muffs with a reasonanble "believeable" rating.


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Re: Hearing protection? Which is best?

In reply to this post by Dave Groves

Just a comment. When I was seeing an audiologist, (a couple of years ago) she did not recommend the electronic muffs as there is still a slight mille-second delay before they cut in. I tried one model (cannot remember which it was) but I could not use them because I did experience a noticeable delay before they cut in. I am using just passive muffs, which I do agree are not as convenient as the electronic ones if you can get a pair that work for you.

Regards Rob
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Re: Hearing protection? Which is best?

In reply to this post by David Dundas
I use Peltor SportTac electronics with the HY80 gel replacement cups, these improve the rating of the muffs and make them more comfortable.

I also have molded ear plugs which I will use with the peltors when ROing the open shooters in IPSC to add extra protection.

One interesting thing I was told is that it is important to protect behind the ear to prevent hearing damage as well, so a pair of muffs that fit well are important
Steven Butcher
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Re: Hearing protection? Which is best?

David Dundas
Thanks Steve,

I like your input. Many had mentioned they use ear plugs under their muffs, I tried this at Canberra recently and found it pretty good to shoot with. What I have found is my old muffs purchase decades ago and not the best and I really need to spend some decent money on a modern pair of muffs that have a proper rating. I like the ultra slim line ones so they dont touch the stock when shooting so they wont be cheap.
Maybe Santa will be nice to me this year,

Steve, I hope to see you back at one of our Fly events real soon.

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Re: Hearing protection? Which is best?

hopefully I'll start getting back into it once this COVID19 stuff has passed.

Still love my pistol shooting
Steven Butcher