Hints for long range shooting. 500m...

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Hints for long range shooting. 500m...

Les Fraser
Often a shooter is faced with conditions that are for one reason or another not favourable. One such condition is mirage and i often here on the line that "i can't see my shots who knows where it is".

To the new shooter this is the end of the day so they think but to a shooter that can think about their 8 rounds and 5 to score there is an opportunity to make a reasonable score of it.

Some shooters shoot three great shots on the splash plate then move upstairs to start there string of 5 to score. Then the wind or mirage changes and they are left with an educated guess which isn't really educated it is more hit and hope.

So in tough or mirage conditions a shooter would be better suited to put his first shot on the splash plate then move immediately up on the target and put two scoring shots on as quick as they possibly can in corilation to the splash plate indication, repeat this process for the next two scoring shots and then one shot on the splash and one on the scoring to finish the target.

You will be very surprised to find you will have 5 scoring shoots in reasonable scoring range.

Remember this is a scored shoot a one in group out in the one ring will score you 15points however a two inch group in the 9 and  ten ring will be  net you 57 points.

A guess with no thought to your shoot may net you a Zero so think about how you are going to shoot your stage, pay attention to what information you have available to you. Don't just blaze away and hope for the best, it is great for shooting off rounds but won't yeild a podium finish.
shooting well is more a mental control of your thoughts than just pulling the trigger........
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Re: Hints for long range shooting. 500m...

Stuart Pethy
haha I am one of these bloke who has said many a time "I cant see my shots so who knows" haha

I put my shots into the sighter plate and then just hoped for the best

I will be trying the way you suggested this weekend and will let you know

cheers for the info