How to enter Canberra Fly Nationals??

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How to enter Canberra Fly Nationals??

Jason Rushton
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Gday all,

A few of us West Ozzy's were thinking about heading over to Canberra next year or possibly the year after to compete in the 500m Fly Nationals, assuming it will be on the calendar.
None of us have shot in a registered Fly match before, only at our local club matches.. So how would we go about entering the Nationals? Contact details of persons in the know?


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Re: How to enter Canberra Fly Nationals??

Les Fraser
Hi mate you will love the Nationals and it is a great shoot. The Calendar you will see on the Home page of the website will be updated as soon as the clubs get their dates in for the shoots.

There is camping on the range at Canberra and Saturday night we usually head out for a feed or just sit around the club house there are great amenities there and the cost is very very reasonable. I am sure Dave Grooves will give you his details for contact but there is no need most post directly on here when the nominations are open. Dave like lots of us work odd shifts and hours and get to the forum when we can but now we are aware that you guys want to come over we will ensure we get the info to you.

looking forward to seeing you there.

It will be an advantage for you to start running your club shoots with the time calls that are on the home page that will get you used to the course of fire.

anyway all the best Les
shooting well is more a mental control of your thoughts than just pulling the trigger........
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Re: How to enter Canberra Fly Nationals??

Jason Rushton
Thanks for the info Les and Lindsay we will wait for nominations to open on this site and go from there.

Hopefully your still around Lindsay for when we get there next year or the one after..


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Re: How to enter Canberra Fly Nationals??

Anthony Hall
Hi Mate,

For forward planning, the weekends stay very much the same each year at each range....

We just have to wait for approval/registration of matches which happens towards the end of each year, then I will put up the official calendar for the following year.

Once the calendar is up, you can book accommodation and plan to be there.

Look forward to meeting you then.


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Re: How to enter Canberra Fly Nationals??

Jason Rushton
No worries Anthony thanks for the info, will keep an eye out for new calendar at end of year. There are some very keen Fly shooters over here in WA, be great to get over there and get amongst it.


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Re: How to enter Canberra Fly Nationals??

Dave Groves
G'day Jason,
                       I'm 99% confident that the date for the  Fly Nationals 2016 will be 12 March, that is the date that we have identified in the SSAA Majura calendar for them, however until that date is absolutely positively confirmed please hold off booking flights and accommodation, you should have plenty of time (approx. 3 months) to do so, the calendar is usually settled towards the end of the year.

Sunday the 13th will be 1000yds Benchrest at the Canberra Rifle Club which is right next door to SSAA Majura, so if your rifle is good for that, you'll be welcome to attend that as well.

For your planning purposes, if you are flying and some of you have common equipment we can arrange you on the same bench (we run 4 details) and you will be able to share gear to try and reduce weight.

It'd be great to have you guys from WA over for the shoot, anything we can do to help out, please just ask.


Dave Groves.

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Re: How to enter Canberra Fly Nationals??

Les Fraser
Great point Dave about equipement and travel weight.

Jason if you do come i have some extra rests i can bring along so you don't have to pack yours, also the odd back bag or ten.

cheers Les
shooting well is more a mental control of your thoughts than just pulling the trigger........
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Re: How to enter Canberra Fly Nationals??

Jason Rushton
Yes we looked at the logistics of driving vs flying and at this stage we are opting to drive, make it a holiday/road trip at the same time. That way we can take all gear needed and with a couple of guys per car the costs can be shared..
Lots to organize with interested parties trying to synchronize time of work and away from family's but its all part of the fun.
Cheers for the generous offers though Dave and Les, if there is anything we are stuck with will be in touch.


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Re: How to enter Canberra Fly Nationals??

Stuart Pethy
thanks for the info guys and looking forward to it .. lets hope the stars align for us to make it over
should be great and see if we can hold our own against you guys

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Re: How to enter Canberra Fly Nationals??

Jason Rushton
After speaking with interested peoples it looks like it will be a 2017 West Aussie assault on the Canberra Nationals, this will give us plenty of time to organise/prepare ourselves and some also need to tune new rifles that are due early next year.


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Re: How to enter Canberra Fly Nationals??

Stuart Pethy
there is still couple of us who are trying to get over there  
so will keep any eye out on dates and forms etc

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Re: How to enter Canberra Fly Nationals??

Les Fraser
let us know if you need anything to get you across the line, rests, bedding material etc
cheers Les
shooting well is more a mental control of your thoughts than just pulling the trigger........
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Re: How to enter Canberra Fly Nationals??

Jason Rushton
No worries thanks Les , looks like we have a change of plan and now 4 of us can make it for next year.

A couple of names to near- by Hotels might be handy if anyone has any suggestions or do most swag it at the range?

Is there any time allocated before the match for us to do a little load testing, were not sure how our ammo will shoot on the other side of the country??

