Whilst the official thread for the Wagga Fly will happen after the ACT Fly is done there a a few IMPORTANT things for those interested in coming to be aware of and plan for.
1. The Saturday is the NSW state election so any NS Welshmen coming need to postal vote beforehand.
2. The Committee has decided to waive any camping fees. It is now FREE for all to camp.
3. As per last years fly any Steel flag poles will need a bit of timber in front of them. This is a FAR rule not a range rule. Limited timber is on site and available for use as first come first served.
4. There will be a LIMITED number of leather stubby holders with 2019 NSW State Fly titles - Wagga pressed onto them. Free to the first 50 entrants.
any questions please email me at chappo555@bigpond.com
"Only accurate rifles are interesting". Col Townsend Whelen