Inaugural Queensland State Fly Championship 2013

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Inaugural Queensland State Fly Championship 2013

Barry Edgley
This match has been held for a number of years in conjunction with the Harry Madden Memorial Benchrest Championships which will be held this year from 7th to 11th November. This format has seen a number of cross-over competitors from both local and international ranks and proved a popular addition to an iconic event. This year the Fly Shoot has been elevated to State Championship status  and again offers the opportunity to perhaps participate in both some short range benchrest as a warm-up to the 500 fly - to experience the vagaries of the  Belmont range, and importantly to have a great weekend.  Nomination details are available on the Brisbane Club website .
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Re: Inaugural Queensland State Fly Championship 2013

Anthony Hall
Hi Barry,

That's great news !!  

I have heard that things are progressing up that way & I look forward to seeing great fly matches run at the Belmont range.

I am happy to help with the scoring programe and anything else I can do to help you run it smoothly.

Kind regards
