Is a left bolt better for a righthand shooter

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Is a left bolt better for a righthand shooter

Dave Purcell
Recently I have been using a 6x47L LBLP and have started to wonder wether as a righthander I would be better off using a LBRPLE (thats Left bolt, Right port, left eject) action configuration or wether I am just overthinking things .... What's your thinking on action configuration????????
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Re: Is a left bolt better for a righthand shooter

Pete van Meurs
Banned User
No point in asking me - I will shoot any configuration off either shoulder at any time. Got to be versatile, although it's not always possible to be fast unless the lay-out is friendly. Best for a Right-hander to use RB LP with R micro ejector port. The use of a LB gets a bit messy if you also need that hand to steer your rest. Mirror image for Left-handed shooter.
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Re: Is a left bolt better for a righthand shooter

john mc quire
Hi All    after actually seeing  aJR  in action with his heavy gun
             a right bolt  left port for loading  and a drop port  combination
              seems to be a very good option
                i use a drop port Viper for short range BR  and it is very friendly
              to use   and you dont have to find your cases after a detail  if you
              drop them into a container   -- no lost or damaged cases  --
                  the down side of all this is that the bigger actions dont come in drop port
                                                        john mc quire
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