Lapua Brass - General Info

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Lapua Brass - General Info

Pete van Meurs
Banned User
Hi all'

A quick note to let you know that an overdue shipment of Lapua product recently landed in Aust and has been distributed to dealers. The down-side is that the order was not fillled!- the glaring exception being 6.5x47 Lapua cases!
The next scheduled shipments from Lapua are in Feb and April 2014 but with no certainty that this calibre case will be  included in either shipment at this stage. It seems that world-wide demand has out-stripped Lapua's production capacity.
I have a fair number on back-order so anybody wishing to also back-order with me is welcome to do so, as long as they are prepared to wait a while, at least I know that my order is fairly high on the pecking list.
This is not intended to be a 'commercial' post so anyone thinking otherwise please order your product elsewhere.

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Re: Lapua Brass - General Info

Anthony Hall
Thanks for the heads up Pete....

seems like component supply is an issue worldwide.

Did you get any of the "L" Range of projectiles in 6.5mm ?


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Re: Lapua Brass - General Info

Pete van Meurs
Banned User
In reply to Anthony's question - yes, I now have the 6.5 Scenar L  in stock in both 120gn and 136gn.
If they as good as the 6mm variety (which is more than likely) then they could give some of the existing favourites a run for their money.
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Re: Lapua Brass - General Info

chappo (Greg Chapman)
Looks like I better hang on to my two unopened boxes of 6.5x47 lap brass then.
"Only accurate rifles are interesting". Col Townsend Whelen
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Re: Lapua Brass - General Info

Anthony Hall
Hi Greg,

Don't hang on to them.... Prep them, sort them and shoot them 5 times each at fly matches in 2014 !!

Or even better, let little chappo kick your arse with them :)

