Little River (Eagle Park) Victoria Championship Results for May 7th + SOTY 2016 update

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Little River (Eagle Park) Victoria Championship Results for May 7th + SOTY 2016 update

Nick Aagren
Little River turned on a sunny mild day but did not forgot the usual good dose of wind with shooters enjoying 30-40kmh winds during most of the day causing a fair few flags to go to ground throughout.

Below are the results for the Saturday 500m fly shoot, Friday 300yd mozzie shoot and the SOTY 2016 updated.



Two Gun Pro-Cal Cup (LG & HG 500m) went to Grant Groves, 2nd Michael Bell and 3rd Russell LeMaitre

LG 1st Place Michael Bell , 2nd Russell LeMaitre and 3rd Grant Groves.

HG 1st Place Paul Deehan, 2nd Grant Groves and 3rd Anthony Bending.

A big thank you to Luke Easter from Pro-Cal Trading for sponsoring the 500m event with the winners of each class receiving a $100 voucher.  Also thanks to all that helped out during the event, both club members and visiting shooters pitched in to see the day run smoothly.

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Re: Little River (Eagle Park) Victoria Championship Results for May 7th + SOTY 2016 update

Tim  Pavey
Hi, Nick,
I will bring Russell's two gun medal to the next shoot.
Thanks for a great shoot
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Re: Little River (Eagle Park) Victoria Championship Results for May 7th + SOTY 2016 update

Michael Bell
Good on you Nick,
Another great shoot on the new range at Little River, unimpeded by the general public….new target frames work a treat & the atmosphere was nice and relaxed…well done to the Vics .

Despite the huge winds the scores were very very good which indicates that shooters are getting better & better at this discipline.

Big Paul D continues to dominate with his 300 WSM which is working beautifully in his hands.  
Must also mention Grant Groves who shot 237 with his own creation based on the 6.5 x 55 Swede. Over the years we've seen Dave Groves shoot his Swede very well indeed & now that Grant has found a tune with his it's clear that this cartridge (despite it's age) is capable of matching it with just about anything…..great to see.

I'll post a few pics in a week or so when I get the time to process…

Michael Bell