Login and get involved in the site

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Login and get involved in the site

Les Fraser
Hi guys and gals please put a photo of yourself on here when you log on. I think photo's of real people enjoying the shooting sport tells more of a positive story about shooting..........

Please invite your friends in the sport to contribute
cheers to all and good shooting this weekend in Wagga should be a hoooooottttttt.........
shooting well is more a mental control of your thoughts than just pulling the trigger........
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Re: Login and get involved in the site

john mc quire
Thats a great idea Les  a photo of the shooter lets us all recognise and put a name on our fellow competetors  
       when we go to intersate shoots  there are always new faces  
             and new friends to be made    
                                 john mc  
  Every Shot inside the Eight Ring would be GREAT