Long Weekend Fly Shoot

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Long Weekend Fly Shoot

Curtley Ambrose

Howdy All,

A few of us had such a great weekend at the last Fly shoot in Batemans Bay that it ultimately lead to a discussion about including another day of shooting and thus becoming a 3 day shoot over a long weekend.

Now before anyone gets on their high horse and launching a cavalry charge, it was only a discussion and remains only so. The discussion ofan additional day in a hypothetical sense could include for Batemans Bay, the 300 yard Fox shoot, the 500 Fly and the 200 yard rimfire or for Canberra it could be 500 Fly, 1000 yard and 200 yard rimfire.

As this was only a discussion amongst a few of us, I would like to know what everyone else thinks. I can also comprehend how the respective ranges are scheduled and how they accomodate other disciplines so I am also wondering if it is possible?

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Re: Long Weekend Fly Shoot

David Dundas
Hi Curtley

The Batemans Bay shoot was a great success indeed and I would be keen to see another Fly shoot for Rimfires here in NSW. I run a friendly monthly 200 Fly at Silverdale (not a registered match) each month and its a great event for people to start out on their long range as just about everyone has a .22 and can have a go. As shooters get more into things then they can spend more money and attend the registered shoots and of course they can also look at shooting the longer distances such as 500 and 1000 if they like.
I have an email database of 30 Fly shooters and we have about 8-10 regulars here in Sydney that would be interested in a 200 yard rimfire event, so would be happy to promote it.


Dave Dundas
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Re: Long Weekend Fly Shoot

Anthony Hall
In reply to this post by Curtley Ambrose
Hi All,

It is a good discussion, and has been brought up before....

The reality for us as match organisers and clubs, is that it is a bloody lot of work arranging 2 days of registered match competition, remember that entails friday setup/practice and flags etc as well..... so 3 full days at the range plus the work before the event...  By Sunday afternoon we are stuffed.  It also takes a lot of work from volunteers at the club to make it all happen....and asking for another day would probably break the camels back so to speak.

I think that 2 great days with happy shooters and volunteers that are prepared to do it again....v 2 good days and one very sloppy day with people not so keen to do it again is an easy choice for me.

I will open a discussion (new Thread) on the choice between 300 Metre centrefire and 200 yard rimfire for our February shoot ....  



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Re: Long Weekend Fly Shoot

Pete van Meurs
Banned User
Again, Hi All

I endorse Anthony's comments regarding a 3 day match - anyone thinking along these lines would need to have an organisers credentials to be taken seriously. As for the Bateman's Feb shoot I, for one, would predict a much diminished entry if it were to be rimfire 200 against 300 c/f  (virtually all Vic competitors would be long gone - can't say about others).

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Re: Long Weekend Fly Shoot

Curtley Ambrose
Hi All,

Thanks for the replies.

Im still thinking, perhaps rather than have a 3 day match at a specific range what if it were altered each year among the respective ranges ie Batemans Bay one year, Canberra the following, Wagga the next, then Little River. Perhaps we could even get Brisbane on the scene or perhaps it could be a State Shoot title held annually in each State over a period of 4 years. To qualify for the 3 Gun title you would need to have shot in each event at each range over the 4 year period?

Interest in the shoot and participation in the event is certainly at peak levels - the last shoot at Batemans Bay demonstrated that and a 3 day shoot would certainly be good for the Club coffers and ultimately is a positive for the shooting fraternity by attracting new competitors and new shooters.