Madden results

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Madden results

Les Fraser
Hi folks are there any results from the Harry Madden fly shoot!!

Would love to see the results
shooting well is more a mental control of your thoughts than just pulling the trigger........
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Re: Madden results

Anthony Hall
Yep.... Vince has them....just waiting for them in a format I can post and I will get them up, and also sent off to Jaegen to finalise SOTY etc.

Hopefully later today.


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Re: Madden results

Tony Berry
Can you handle them in PDF format  ? I can forward you the results as compiled by Vince , if it's any good to you as a PDF .
He might be a bit shy to post them,.........seeing as he smoked us all, and won both Light Gun and Heavy Gun, plus had the smallest Light Gun group.  Conditions were extremely challenging, with gusty winds running from 10 o'clock to 2 o'clock, and many shooters asking loudly "WTF ??". Mirage was bad enough that I could only clearly identify 7mm holes on just one of my six targets, using a March 5-50 scope
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Re: Madden results

Les Fraser
yeh mate send them to Anthony or post them on here that will be fine and congratulations to Vince on the Wins.
shooting well is more a mental control of your thoughts than just pulling the trigger........