Mudgee Fly round 2

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Re: Mudgee Fly round 2

Andy Prowse
As regards to 240vac - only in the shed on Range 1 when the 13kva generator is running, none in the camping area.
We do have some small gen's 1,5 & 2.7kva but their mainly used for tools at a working bee or sometimes for computer scoring at bigger shoots (also noisy at night time).

I've got a five string banjo but it needs a fair bit of work, bridge & other bits. Can I just wear the bib & brace overalls?

"Comfort fires" are still permitted under normal conditions. Once it gets to 'really high danger' we have to be careful but otherwise campfires are ok. Just be aware we can harvest fallen timber only & then not if it has a hollow. The Complex is on a Recreational Reserve with Environmental Protection, habitat, etc. is to be looked after & protected.

Dave G has emailed me & hopes to make the shoot (medical situation dependent) & maybe a few of his mates could attend

Looks like a good weekend already & I still "ain't put the beer on ice".
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Re: Mudgee Fly round 2

Andy Prowse
Just did a rough count, considering other forums & phone calls we should have six for Saturday & maybe seven for Sunday, possibly more if Dave G mates decide to rock up.

On range 2, we have 15 usable bench positions = not a problem. Only limit will be the rimfire at 200yds where I have only installed enough "holes in the ground" to support frames for 12 targets. We can always add more at a later time - depends on demand/usage if it's worth the time & bits (same as any range) need to have a "NEED" before any additions/changes actually happen.

Who wants what with their "snags in bread"? options: onions, coleslaw, tomato, capsicum? Suggest something (fesable & available please, not caviar!)

Drinkies: CokeC, lemonaid, what ? I don't want to get stuff which no one drinks. Tea, coffee, suggar & hot water is included - byo milk.

As I emailed to Dave, my emails are on a desktop in my office & not in a slab of glass in my back pocket.
I will be off email from 8am Friday morning when I intend to leave for the range.
Mob: 0407327327 - intermittent at the ranges, I get 101 messages & only reply if I have time.
+ is I get to shoot with out disturbance  
but the ' - ' is I sometimes miss out on some work  
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Re: Mudgee Fly round 2

Les Fraser
Hi Andy a great result and it will grow i am sure. I think Coke and squash and orange drinks are the order as most shoots that is what is on offer. As for the Snags yep onions Tomato and bread will be great. Most of us will bring other things like nibblies i think i might even coax alison into doing some baking but we will see.

I will bring my Geny which is 5 KVA very quiet also.

looking forward to a great weekend.

cheers Les see you all there
shooting well is more a mental control of your thoughts than just pulling the trigger........
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Re: Mudgee Fly round 2

Andy Prowse
Dave  G emailed again & the mates which were going to have a go, are now all on tractors due to the ground moisture & needs of seeding, he is so far on line to make the Sunday.

Will discuss on the Friday......... dinners & the shed, BBQ's, lighting, etc. VS camp grounds. There is a choice of venue for dinners & discussions, post shooting.

I check this forum & emails about 8am tomorrow & then will be traveling to shoot, home Sunday night.