My position on Fly politics.

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My position on Fly politics.

Luke Easter
Dear Flyshooters,

As a Victorian Flyshooter and sponsor of fly events I would like my position on the current politics known.

I have various personal and business associations with most of the people involved with the current issues (both in Victoria and nsw) and I would like to make it clear I can understand points of either side of the argument but have little interest in trying to steer the ship in any direction as my job is so closely related to my hobby all I want to do is shoot.
The reason I enjoyed fly so much when I first started was because of the lack of conflict... Public conflict anyway.

Despite my family commitments at the moment with a 2.5 year old and 10 week old child making it hard to attend, I have little desire to take 4 days out and spend 14 hours in the car to hear the blah blah of "the rules should be this" or "xxxxxx said that".

The way it is going I am really wondering why I am sponsoring events when nobody seems to get along and then finds something to complain about with every shoot and how something was a conspiracy because xxxxxx is doing something in the background.

Fly is supposed to be one of the "premier" shooting events but doesn't seem to be conducted as such.

It would seem the time has come for a stand alone mass vote with ample time for everyone to raise agenda items etc with the outcome to be final "speak now or forever hold your peace".
While this is hard to arrange and is much like other structured meetings, something needs to happen before the fly implodes and everyone is whinging about how "xxxxxx destroyed fly".

In my opinion the SSAA heirachy  should be paying attention to what they are allegedly managing and do something about it.
I'm not talking about delegate level I'm talking about the top of the tree who should never have let this become a public pissing match that makes shooting sports look bad and makes sponsors like myself wonder if it's a wise move to be associated with the organisation.

That is the end of my rant, I don't usually get involved or comment in forums but the situation is bothering me and I couldn't keep quiet any more.
At the end of the day all I want to do is shoot. I sponsor events because I live quite far away from the ranges and it is a practical way to support the sport because it isn't straight forward to help with organising/running shoots from a distance.

I don't expect any comments or counter arguments, I just wanted my position and opinion known without it being perceived as influencing an agenda or for business purposes.

Luke Easter
(not particularly good) Flyshooter and Owner of Pro-cal Trading.
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Re: My position on Fly politics.

Anthony Hall
Hey Luke,

Good rant and fair enough, I am sure a lot agree.

Lets all leave it alone for a short period and i am confident that we can see an end to all of this sort of talk very shortly and get on with obeying rule 10.

