Nationals for us WA boys

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Nationals for us WA boys

Stuart Pethy
hi guys
thought I would start a separate page for us WA blokes coming over for any questions or offers for help from you guys
1st off WOW thanks so much for the offers of help we have already received by you guys , blown us away

like Jason has said we have booked flights and accommodation
we will only be doing the 500m fly and not the 200m fly but we are willing to help on the Sunday for sure  

I have one question about light/heavy gun
how do you weigh the guns eg standing upright or laying flat on some scales , use hanging scales or bench scales
looks like I might be right on the border line for light/ heavy, depending on what scales I am using
do you guys weigh the guns before shoot and then adjust people to go in what class if they have it wrong
eg if I nominate light but I weigh just over will it stuff everything up and I cant shoot or do you just change me to heavy gun?

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Re: Nationals for us WA boys

Anthony Hall
Hi Mate,

We use bench scales, with 17lb including the bolt as the limit for light gun, you can remove scope caps and covers if needed.

If you go over weight, you can simply bump into Heavy gun, no problems there.

Have seen people remove butt plates, scope shades and the like to get under weight.  As long as they stay off during the shoot, no problems.


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Re: Nationals for us WA boys

Stuart Pethy
thanks for that Anthony
but i dont think i will have a problem soon with being over weight , new barrel coming and it will only be 28" long this time


also looks like 5 of us are locked in for the trip over

should be great fun