Nesika Cup

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Nesika Cup

Pete van Meurs
Banned User
Hi All,

The Nesika Cup 500 Fly is on  Saturday 2nd November, with a 300 yard Mozzie shoot on Sunday (custom class only). Camping is available at the range and Bruno's cafe will be open all weekend. Practice is available on Friday until 3.00PM when the range will close for set-up.

Entries can be lodged with myself by email <> or phone - 03-52811380 or 0408-522420. So far I acknowledge entries from Anthony Hall, Les Fraser, Roy Gow, Michael Bell, Barry Tucker, Tim Pavey, Tyson Trotter, Nick Aagren, Mike Wittick, LvM, PvM for both classes. John Butts, Bob Wright, Ron Barwise & Tori Colls for LG and Anthony Bending for HG. Entry fees for Saturday will be $50 for one class or $90 for two. Sunday will be $35.

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Re: Nesika Cup

Les Fraser
hi pete sorry but due to work commitments now i won't be able to make it to little river for the first time in some years. unfortunately now i have to work every alternate weekend so sorry mate to pull out but it is with heavy heart i can't make it this year.

I wish all that go to little river all the very best and good shooting it is a great range and the shoot is as interesting as it cant get.....

cheers to all
shooting well is more a mental control of your thoughts than just pulling the trigger........