New rule book

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New rule book

Hi all

The new SSAA rule books (including the fly rule book) have been published and can be found at:

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Re: New rule book

Anthony Hall
Hi Fergus,

Great to see the new rules finally published and available... thank you for posting the link.

There are a few questions and or surprises in there though.....

On a first read, here are my reactions....

Is this the rule book for all registered matches ? or just for National Championships ?  It appears to just relate to national championships..... why would the national championships differ in any way from other official registered matches ?

When is this rule book effective ? Is there a transition period from publication under the benchrest rules for new rule books ? or is it effective now ? Either way is fine, just would be good to know as a match organiser.

The rule relating to pre nomination of class for the two gun (in the case of centre fire and rimfire) is a surprise.... I don't mind it, I just wonder where it came from ? I thought we got rid of that sort of differentiation ....

Were the National Championships supposed to be 5 years in Canberra ?  Wouldn't this make the first rotation one 2017 ?



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Re: New rule book

Anthony Hall
Also the tie break method for single target....
While it was always my opinion that smallest group should determine the target.... it is not how it has been done !!

As it was "Highest Scoring Target" not small group the accepted method has been fly hits, 10's, 9's 8's etc... then next best single target....

I actually agree more with the now published method, it is just different to current procedures used in Canberra, Wagga, Little River and Batemans Bay......
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Re: New rule book

Murray Hicks
Hi Anthony,

I can confirm that the rule books are effective from Publication.
The availability of the new rule book(s) on the SSAA website is considered publication.

The only transition arrangements for the rules is allowing the use of stocks of old targets.

Organisers should also note the "Course of Fire" where a whistle indicates the cease fire, page 12/13
12) “Sound of whistle” - Cease Fire.

I am currently arranging .MP3 files of the 7 and 10 minute course of fire commands that also include the whistle. They have been used in short range BR for the past few shoots, I will have the files modified to suit Fly and include the 8 rounds displayed command.

If there are any questions please let me know and I will do my best to clarify them.
Cheers Murray
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Re: New rule book

Pete van Meurs
Banned User
Hi All,

Murray beat me to the punch with his advice that the rule book is in force immediately on publication. However I should point out that this is also now the only official set of rules and will apply at all registered matches. The wording in the intro mentioning 'National Championship' is merely a glitch on some-ones part and should be regarded as not being meaningful. This bit of badly worded intro can be discussed at the forthcoming AGM and can likely be altered in the short term. Any proposed changes to the actual rules cannot  really be introduced till the 2019 rule book is published.

Following on from Anthony's comments I note that the 'electronic aids' bit has reverted to mentioning only cameras, so weather stations and the like are effectively allowed again. I must admit that I do not know where this and some other bits have found their way into this final version. Never mind, since the rules as published are quite clear and workable.

As for the pre-nominating of ones CF entry for a CF/RF two-gun - that's easily gotten around. After the D target if your nominated entry is getting flogged by your other entry simply drop the rifle onto the concrete in such a manner as to smash the scope! The rules do allow you to switch over if you have a malfunction. Costly but effective.

Finally on the subject of Canberra's 5 year tenure of hosting the Nationals it should be noted that 2011 was their first year and the fact that they did not opt to stage the event does not negate the fact that it was the first of 5 years.

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Re: New rule book

Anthony Hall
Lol.... Electronic weather stations, whistles and new scopes.... are you sure you want to consider retiring from the retail side of the business Pete....  Surely there will be a mass of new equipment sales at our shoots now !!

But then Nightforce scopes have a lifetime warranty that would probably even cover damage....not all brands have that though :)


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Re: New rule book

Murray Hicks
Hi Anthony,

Your question regarding the rotation of the Nationals  you are correct it is 2017, I believe that  the intent was that the Fly Nationals remain in Canberra up to and including 2016, making the first rotation 2017. 2015 is a typo.

A clarification on the whistle. The 7 minute timing ends at the end of the whistle, the use of the whistle is taken from the WBSF rule book, and has worked quite well at the past few short range matches. Any people firing shots after the whistle ceases should be dealt with according to the rules.
If there any other questions or issues please let me know.


Murray Hicks
Cheers Murray