Nice day at the Bay??

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Nice day at the Bay??

Peter Merriman
So how was it?

I bet Belly is off for a swim. 41 here in Canberra

Looking forward to the results

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Re: Nice day at the Bay??

Anthony Hall
Hi Pete,

It was HOT...but the competition was great and the atmosphere even better !!

All had a good day and a very nice evening out for dinner.  We had 40 come out for dinner.  

Would have been 42 if Les didn't go to sleep straight after the shoot and miss dinner, the big sook.....Something about 36 hours straight being awake....driving through the night and arriving at the range just in time for weigh in this morning.... not sure why he needed sleep....

Yes, Belly went swimming again.... but kept his wallet, keys and the first place trophy safe :) !!

I will get full results up as soon as I can after the weekend is over.....

