Procal Canberra 2016 Results

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Procal Canberra 2016 Results

Anthony Hall
Hi All,

Looks like it was a great event and from all accounts very well run as usual.

I have attached full results in both excel formats.  Well done to Jacko, Barry Tucker and Grant Groves for 1st, 2nd & 3rd respectively in Heavy Gun, and Deane Thrower, Les Fraser & Keith Dowell for the same in Light Gun.

I suspect that Barry Tuckers small group ~0.89 will be a new National Record for Heavy Gun Group !! Well done.


Results are split into LG / HG as well as the full combined Leaderboard.


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Re: Procal Canberra 2016 Results

Deane Thrower

What a great shoot it was in Saturday, thanks to Dave, Russel an co for a great day and the effort that went into running a very smooth event. The target crew were awesome and as the finish time can attest they were extremely quick all all day.

Thanks to everyone who travelled and all who shot and made the day a fun event. As always Canberra throws mirage and tricky winds at us and we weren't disappointed.

Congratulations to Jacko for a 1st class performance and taking the Overall and HG, I thought it was interesting the HGs took the first 6 placings which to my knowledge hasn't happened in a while.

Congratulations also to Barry Tucker a pending HG small group record. 2 events and 2 pending records is great and shows how much work people are putting into their equipment, and the scores and groups now are at such a high level.

Thanks again and I look forward to seeing you all again Next year.


Just doing my part to reduce the fly population!!!!
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Re: Procal Canberra 2016 Results

max coady
I measured this target, and returned it to Barry.
If this is a possible record I will need it back, I was told it was a ACT record, I only handle National records.
This target needs to be rescored by my record committee, and have a form attached sign by the range manager.
So if Barry will send it to me, and Dave Groves will send me a claim  form, I can do the rest and have it recognised.
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Re: Procal Canberra 2016 Results

Michael Bell
  Very well done to all those who scored well in Canberra…particularly to Jacko in HG & Deane in LG.
 Barry also for that  cracking group with his WSM.

 No body can accurately claim that Fly shooting is a one horse race..if I've got the numbers right this season there have been 16 individuals achieve one or more podium finishes in the Light Gun category & 14 individuals achieve one or more podium finishes in the Heavy Gun category.

 It really is a great competition.

Michael Bell