Proposed rule changes deleted

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Proposed rule changes deleted

Les Fraser
After consultation with the chairperson the documents that were posted  are under consideration of the benchrest committee and therefor are not open for general discussion. Nothing has been decided and you are best to talk to your state delegate.

Cheers Les
shooting well is more a mental control of your thoughts than just pulling the trigger........
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Re: Proposed rule changes deleted

Anthony Hall
Fair enough.... I disagree with deleting the thread., but I understand the pressure you are under from the chair person.

The documents should not have got out into the public domain.... but they did, and that is on the delegate that distributed them in the first place..... not the administrators of the forum.

People have them now and can and will email them amongst themselves or post them elsewhere...Once in the digital domain, they are out there.....

Ultimately, if you are interested, if you want 200 Rimfire to remain in the full rules unchanged, if you want the outright winner to be the single highest score on the day, like it is now... etc....... you need to find your state delegate and give them your input so they can represent you, or talk to your local match organiser and ask them to pass on your views to the delegate.


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Re: Proposed rule changes deleted

Les Fraser
I agree in part but the property of those documents were the Benchrest Committee's and as such should not have gone to open forum. I know you are right that those that did down load it have it now anyway.

Moving forward State delegates  for your states are:
Phil Jones QLD
Gavin Marshall QLD
Les Fraser NSW
Dave Billinghurst NSW (National Chair)
Nick Argren Vic
Peter Van MeursVIC
Brendon Atkinson SA
Graham Keppie WA
David Kerr WA
Max Cody
Alex Chryss

All of these delegates work hard to secure your sport and support you as shooters, if you have questions you will know how to get a hold of your delegates within your state i know they would be only to happy to assist you.

For your information.
cheers Les
shooting well is more a mental control of your thoughts than just pulling the trigger........
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Re: Proposed rule changes deleted

David Dundas
In reply to this post by Anthony Hall

Did not see the original post about rule changes but after reading Anthony's post I thought I would post the following:

"if you want the outright winner to be the single highest score on the day" - When is the winner of any match not the best group or best score?

The Fly has grown over recent years with many more shooters attending the matches, this has been down to Anthony, Les, Dave G and others from clubs who have run good events that gets the shooters back again. As an example the first National Fly shoot was a highlight for me and others and the State title at Batemans Bay has been the first shoot I put on the calendar each year.

So having said that why would you change anything significant?


Dave Dundas
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Re: Proposed rule changes deleted

Stuart Pethy
Not my call but i don't know why they wanted it taken down when it was emailed to us over here to read and give our input to. How can people know whats going on and give their feed back if they don't know whats happening .
But not my call and just hope it stays the way it is
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Re: Proposed rule changes deleted

Les Fraser
Hi all just to answer the question i took the post down at the request of the Benchrest Chairman because the content was tabled at the Benchrest AGM held in Adelaide Monarto range 2016 and therefore was for the committee's attention only. Even though the items had been sent to your state members by your delegates that is fine and up to them. Each state has a vote on the issues and these will be raised here in NSW this coming weekend in Batemans Bay. Other states have a voting right and they can get their feedback from there members which ever way is appropriate for their state.

I think NSW is the last state to put there vote in on the changes after this weekend i will email the chairman and put our interests forward.

Dave Dundas if you want to contact me away from the forum as a NSW shooter i am your delegate and will provide you with the information.


shooting well is more a mental control of your thoughts than just pulling the trigger........
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Re: Proposed rule changes deleted

David Dundas
Hi Les

I was sent the proposed changes sometime ago and they did the rounds around the Fly shooters at the time.

Looking forward to the weekend and hopefully will be around to attend your meeting of the Fly shooters to discuss these changes.


Dave Dundas