Re: Rimfire Results - Silverdale (Nov)

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Re: Rimfire Results - Silverdale (Nov)

David Dundas

On Saturday we all woke to heavy rain with lightning and thunder and it was looking like I should stay in bed. Thinking that only a couple of people would attend if any I was not expecting to shoot but made my way to the range anyway, at the last minute I threw the rifle in the car and headed off. By the time I got to Penrith the skies were clearing and the rain was stopped and as I got closer to Silverdale you could see they had had some heavy rain but it looked like it might turn out a nice day.
I get to the range and everyone who said they were going had arrived and had setup their gear intending to shoot, we pretty much had the range to ourselves as other shooters thought better of it. As the sun came out humidity went thru the roof and the wind was switching 180 degrees with light to moderate gusts waiting to catch shooters out, even so there were some great group shot with the best being Dave Zucconni with a group size of 0.9925 inches – Outstanding!
Everyone used their time limits to the max in trying to pick the condition they wanted to shoot and I got lucky with my left hander I was shooting and shot the best single card of a 59.2, full  results below.

1st Dave Dundas         281.6 (PB)
2nd Keith Dowell          260.2
3rd Dave Zucconi         257.1
4th Ed McGrann           256.1
5th Sue Dowell             252.4 (PB)
6th John Harris             207.2
7th Louise Wren           176.0

My name will be added to the Champion Fly shooters trophy which is for any shooter who shoots a score of over 280, Ed Mcgrann is the only other shooters name on the trophy at present but I expect we will see a few more names next year as the standard of shooting keeps on improving. It’s now common for shooters to break the 250+ score and still not place in the top three, Saturday was no exception.

Our final shoot of the year will be on Sat 10th December, its traditional that we make this the biggest shoot of the year and get as many along as possible. I will put up a bottle of 12yo Scotch to the winner as an incentive to come along and enjoy the day, I might shoot the kids bunny gun with the 6x scope just for fun!


Dave Dundas

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Re: Rimfire Results - Silverdale (Nov)

Keith Dowel
No mention of Keith beating Sue!
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Re: Rimfire Results - Silverdale (Nov)

Les Fraser
hey keith can you please put up a photo of you it is one of the conditions of the forum
cheers les
shooting well is more a mental control of your thoughts than just pulling the trigger........
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Re: Rimfire Results - Silverdale (Nov)

Anthony Hall
In reply to this post by David Dundas
Wow - Well done David 281.6 is a great score !!

Dave Zucconni - Well done on a sub 1" group, very few of those get shot with rimfire ever.

Congratulations, and good to see the results.


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Re: Rimfire Results - Silverdale (Nov)

David Dundas
In reply to this post by Les Fraser
Yes Keith, well done on finishing above Sue. The conditions were not the best and pretty much caught everyone out at some stage.
Here is a tip for you in case Sue is winning to often, dont clean her rifle and substitute a couple of rounds in each box of her ammo, keep your ammo in you pocket so she can't pinch yours - You will be unbeatable!
