Re: Sponsorship of events. First Place overall

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Re: Sponsorship of events. First Place overall

Les Fraser
Hi all i have taken this thread off the forum, i have given it a lot of consideration and we are all trying to grow the sport, and there is alot of positive aspects to the thread. In saying that however any potential sponsor will see some of the comments and not knowing the back ground may view it as an issue they don't wish to be a part of.

Members who have put post up you will be sent these by Nabble if you wish to keep them but again that is up to you.

cheers Les
shooting well is more a mental control of your thoughts than just pulling the trigger........
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Re: Sponsorship of events. First Place overall

Deane Thrower

Personally I think it was the right move to remove the thread and agree 100% that any potential sponsors would be discouraged based on some of the comments. Great move and lets keep this train rolling as 2016 looks to be a cracker of a year for the sport. Even if I won't be at many shoots I'm stoked at the steps that have been made forward over last few months.

Just doing my part to reduce the fly population!!!!