Registered Matches

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Registered Matches

Les Fraser
This post was updated on .
This is an extract from the Chairman about registered matches which will assist clubs in running registered shoots that are NOT National Events.

"The Trophy list for a registered match that is not a National Title Match ( as defined in the rulebook) can be at the host branch discretion and that is the only time when the rule book becomes a guide".

The fly has always been the highest score wins the Day either in Light Gun or Heavy Gun i believe it should remain that way however clubs, as  stated above it is the host branch discretion on this.

I think it fair that host clubs need to post the placing structure up on this forum clearly, so shooters know how trophies will be awarded and presented that way competitors can make an informed choice about attending the Match.

Cheers Les

The fly is important to us all lets keep it fun.......

shooting well is more a mental control of your thoughts than just pulling the trigger........