Rimfire Fly Shoot - Silverdale 12th Dec

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Rimfire Fly Shoot - Silverdale 12th Dec

David Dundas

We have our last Fly shoot for the year on the 12th December at Silverdale.

Arrive at 8:30am for a bench draw and to setup as we start shooting at 9am. We have a 20 min warm up period to sight in and then get straight into it.
As a tradition for the past 20 yeasrs I put up a bottle of Scotch for the winner, this year its a bottle of Chivas 12yo Scotch, so hope you can come along for the shoot. Juniors can auction the bottle to anyone of the range, worth $50. We should have 2 juniors shooting but more the better.
Most of the shooters will later be lunching at a nearby pub\club to have a bite and xmas drink and everyone is welcome.

We are having a working bee next week (while range is closed for maint) to build new Fly Target frames, the new frames will allow us up-to have 12 benches and we regularly have 2 details as a couple of shooters share equipment etc.

Would love to see Fly shooters from outside Sydney to come and join us for this shoot or another in 2016.

Dave Dundas
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Re: Rimfire Fly Shoot - Silverdale 12th Dec

David Dundas
The Silverdale range has its firearms registration inspection this week and most of the old target frames do not comply with the new rules. The existing Fly target frames have been in use for well over 20 years but unfortunately now they don't comply.
Today John Gilbert,  Mark Wallace carpentry and myself gave up their time to rebuild the frames from scratch using only timber.
The new Frames look great and we can cater for upto 12 shooters per detail so looking to grow the Rimfire Fly next year.

Thanks again, John and Mark.


Dave Dundas